Current Week - 13th July, 2020
Tuesday 14th July, 2020
10am Poll
Not Yet Set
2pm Poll
Not Yet Set
Monday 13th July, 2020
10am Poll
How do you feel the UK is coping compared to other countries with COVID-19?
2pm Poll
In the past week how have you felt the COVID-19 measures have been?
Week of 6th July, 2020
Sunday 12th July, 2020
10am Poll
In the last week what do you think the government is prioritising the most?
2pm Poll
When you go out do you wear a mask?
Saturday 11th July, 2020
10am Poll
In the last week have you felt that the COVID-19 pandemic could bring people together or tear them appart?
2pm Poll
Are you happy with the NHS's performance in the pandemic?
Friday 10th July, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week have you spent more time than normal exercising outside?
2pm Poll
Not set
Thursday 9th July, 2020
10am Poll
Over the last week have you felt closer to your family?
2pm Poll
In the past week have you worried that there will be another pandemic?
Wednesday 8th July, 2020
10am Poll
Letter from JK Rowling & 150 others warns of danger in putting down ‘perceived’ non Politically Correct debate, are they right?
2pm Poll
In the last week, what has worried you the most about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Tuesday 7th July, 2020
10am Poll
In the last week, have you felt life starting to get back to normal?
2pm Poll
In the last week has it been difficult to fully comply with the current pandemic measures?
Monday 6th July, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think the UK Government's £1.7 Billion to save our cultural venues the correct amount of support?
2pm Poll
With social distancing on flights, quarantine then restrictions on beaches; are you still planning to go on holiday this summer?
Week of 29th June, 2020
Sunday 5th July, 2020
10am Poll
Based on yesterday's re-opening of pubs, do you think drunks are able to spcial distance?
2pm Poll
Do you want the government to restart the daily press briefings?
Saturday 4th July, 2020
10am Poll
If you get you hair cut over the coming days, will you stick to your old stlye or try something new?
2pm Poll
In the past week have you felt hopeful about the future?
Friday 3rd July, 2020
10am Poll
Which of the following do you feel carries the greater risk?
2pm Poll
Do you feel more or less compliant with rules and regulations than before lockdown started?
Thursday 2nd July, 2020
10am Poll
Do you intend to go to a pub on 4th July?
2pm Poll
How has Coronavirus impacted your industry?
Wednesday 1st July, 2020
10am Poll
Has Coronavirus strengthened the bonds within your familly?
2pm Poll
How concerned are you over a 2nd wave of coronavirus in your area after the further relaxation on the 4th?
Tuesday 30th June, 2020
10am Poll
How many times have you used public transport in the last week?
2pm Poll
Would you join a user boycott of Facebook over racism, hate speach and fake news?
Monday 29th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you feel there is more lawlessness in the UK than before the COVID-19 pandemic?
2pm Poll
How is your personal debt compared to before the COVID-19 LOCKDOWN?
Week of 22nd June, 2020
Sunday 28th June, 2020
10am Poll
Has lockdown significantly affected mental health in the UK?
2pm Poll
In the last week how have you felt the pandemic measures have been?
Saturday 27th June, 2020
10am Poll
How much time do you spen on facebook each day?
>1 hour / Zero / <1 hour
2pm Poll
How is your physical fitness today compared to 12 weeks ago?
Friday 26th June, 2020
10am Poll
Are you happy with the NHS's performance in the pandemic?
2pm Poll
Do you feel the sense of 'we are all in it together' has disappeared over recent weeks?
Thursday 25th June, 2020
10am Poll
WIll your shopping habits ever go back to normal or are you an online convert due to OCVID-19?
2pm Poll
When was the last time you went to A&E or your doctors surgery?
June/May/Before May
Wednesday 24th June, 2020
10am Poll
Big brands withdraw Facebook ads over concerns it 'fans the flames' of racial & political unrest, is facebook dangerous?
2pm Poll
How do you feel about the new '1 metre plus' social distance rule?
Tuesday 23rd June, 2020
10am Poll
When do you feel the measures put in place make it safe enough for you to fly again?
Now/1 month +/2021
2pm Poll
Have you purchased more goods made or grown in the UK compared to before COVID-19?
Monday 22nd June, 2020
10am Poll
Germany & USA see spikes in COVID-19 after relaxing lockdowns, do you want the UK to relax social distancing yet?
2pm Poll
Has your last week of "non-essential" retail therapy been as fulfilling as you expected?
Yes/No/Didn't go
Week of 15th June, 2020
Sunday 21st June, 2020
10am Poll
How do you feel about about Apple & Google adding 'track and trace' on mobile phones without telling users?
2pm Poll
Which will recover faster from the Cronavirus fallout?
Saturday 20th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think there will be a 2nd wave of coronavirus cases later in the year?
2pm Poll
Are you more or less satisfied with your chosen career than you were before lockdown?
Friday 19th June, 2020
10am Poll
Australia declares its hit by comprehensive state sponsored cyber-attack, do you think we might on the brink of Cyber World War 1?
2pm Poll
Do you think the Government was correct to move the COVID threat level from 4 to 3 today?
Thursday 18th June, 2020
10am Poll
Are you palnning a UK based 'staycation' this year?
2pm Poll
Are you encouraged that UK Government is scrapping Trace App and going with the Apple/Google version?
Wednesday 17th June, 2020
10am Poll
Would you like to see passengers arriving at UK airports screened properly for COVID19?
2pm Poll
Do you feel UK Main Stream Media is helping or Hindering the BLM cause?
Tuesday 16th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you know anyone who has caught Coronavirus?
2pm Poll
On balance are you more or less satisfied with your life than you were before Coronavirus?
Monday 15th June, 2020
10am Poll
Are you planning to do some non-essential shopping today?
2pm Poll
Which type of shopping is top of your list?
Week of 8th June, 2020
10am Poll
What do you think the 2 meter social distancing rule should become after the review?
1m / 1.5m / 2m
2pm Poll
Since restrictions have eased which of the following leisure activities do you enjoy most?
Drinking/Out-Doors/Screen time
Saturday 13th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think wearing face coverings on Public Transport, from Monday, is a good precaution?
2pm Poll
Do you find life more or less stress than you did before lockdown?
Friday 12th June, 2020
10am Poll
Which of the following is most important in your life today?
2pm Poll
Are you attending any family gatherings this weekend?
Thursday 11th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think BREXIT should be delayed due to COVID-19?
2pm Poll
What role did mainstream media played in people's adoption UK's COVID-19 plan?
Wednesday 10th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think it is time for UK to remove inappropriate statues and ban comedies that parody race, gender or sexuality?
2pm Poll
In the past week, have you felt that the COVID-19 pandemic could bring people together or tear them apart?
Tuesday 9th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think the Government was correct to drop the plan for all primary school pupils to go back before September?
2pm Poll
Are you currently making most of your purchases online or in store?
Monday 8th June, 2020
10am Poll
Have you taken any 'sick days' since you have been working from home?
2pm Poll
Are you more or less satisfied with your chosen career than before lockdown?
Week of 1st June, 2020
Sunday 7th June, 2020
10am Poll
Do you feel any UK Main Stream Media represents your opinions?
2pm Poll
If there is another lockdown over coronavirus will you be as compliant next time?
Saturday 6th June, 2020
10am Poll
Are you attending any family gatherings this weekend?
2pm Poll
Do you feel more inclined to buy British goods to help our recovery?
Friday 5th June, 2020
10am Poll
How concerned are you about catching coronavirus right now?
2pm Poll
How much of an impact has the coronavirus had on your income?
A Lot/Moderate/None
Thursday 4th June, 2020
10am Poll
What has happened to your weekly expenditure since lockdown begun?
2pm Poll
When was the last time you used public transport?
Today/2-7 days/ Week+
Wednesday 3rd June, 2020
10am Poll
Are you still adering to the social distancing guidelines?
2pm Poll
Are you eating more fruit and greens?
Tuesday 2nd June, 2020
10am Poll
Over recent weeks have you missed the direct interaction with work colleagues?
No/Somewhat/A lot
2pm Poll
How worried are you about finances at the moment?
Monday 1st June, 2020
10am Poll
Have you or any member of your household had a COVID-19 test?
2pm Poll
How much of your working week would be practical to become 'home working'?
Week of 25th May, 2020
Sunday 31st May, 2020
10am Poll
Has your politeness and attitude towards others been a hidden casualty of COVID-19?
2pm Poll
Are you pleased that the lockdown rules have been relaxed?
Saturday 30th May, 2020
10am Poll
In the last 7 days how many times have you used cash?
None/1 to 3 / More than 3
2pm Poll
Are you going to download the track and trace app when available in your area?
Friday 29th May, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think it is in the UK's interest to keep Dominic Cummings as an advisor to the PM?
2pm Poll
Are you more frugal with your spending than you were 2 months ago?
Thursday 28th May, 2020
10am Poll
How is your physical fitness compared to 8 weeks ago?
2pm Poll
In the past week, how frustrated have you felt?
Wednesday 27th May, 2020
10am Poll
Are you comfortable about getting back to work?
2pm Poll
How is your weight compared to 8 weeks ago?
Tuesday 26th May, 2020
10am Poll
Will you be going shopping on 15th June, when normal shops re-open?
2pm Poll
Do you think the daily press releases are now doing more harm than good to the country?
Monday 25th May, 2020
10am Poll
Do you feel a sense of 'we are all in it together' ?
2pm Poll
Compared to last week, do you feel more or less confident in the PM?
Week of 18th May, 2020
Sunday 24th May, 2020
10am Poll
Have you been more considerate of the needs of others during lockdown than you usually are?
2pm Poll
Have you got lazier as the lockdown has progressed?
Saturday 23rd May, 2020
10am Poll
How much more Lockdown can you take?
1 week /1 month /3 months
2pm Poll
What do you miss the most from pre lockdown?
Retail /Friends /Freedom
Friday 22nd May, 2020
10am Poll
Will policies of devolved Govs in Scotland & Wales on ending Lockdown & opening schools create permanent divides in the UK?
2pm Poll
Are you afraid to get back to work after lockdown?
Thursday 21st May, 2020
10am Poll
Will you be willing to use the UK COVID19 tracing app when released?
2pm Poll
Have you put off a visit to hospital due to Coronavirus fears?
Wednesday 20th May, 2020
10am Poll
How long do you think it will take UK to recover from the financial consequences of COVID19?
1 to 2 years/ 3 to 5 years/ Over 5 Years
2pm Poll
Which of the following is most important in your life today?
Tuesday 19th May, 2020
10am Poll
Should schools wait till September before resuming?
2pm Poll
In the last 7 days, have you felt fearful of leaving the safety of your home?
Once/ 1 + / Never
Monday 18th May, 2020
10am Poll
When was the last time you used public transport?
0-1 wk/ 2-7 wk/ 7 wk +
2pm Poll
Have you missed football?
Week of 11th May, 2020
10am Poll
Have you had a sense in the last week that life is slowly returning to normal?
2pm Poll
Do you want more explicit instructions from the government over easing of lockdown?
Saturday 16th May, 2020
10am Poll
Over the last 7 days have you done anything for the first time in your life?
Once/ 1 + / No
2pm Poll
With only 60 people turning up to the mass disobedience march in Hyde Park, are people happy to follow Government advice?
Friday 15th May, 2020
10am Poll
How do you feel about those planning acts of mass defiance against the Goverment Lockdown plans?
2pm Poll
Are you clear what the current government advice is for members of your household?
Thursday 14th May, 2020
10am Poll
Whose advice do you trust the most?
2pm Poll
Are you clear what the current government advice is for members of your household?
Wednesday 13th May, 2020
10am Poll
Which of the following is most important in your life today?
2pm Poll
When you go out do you wear a mask?
Tuesday 12th May, 2020
10am Poll
Which of the following is most important in your life today?
2pm Poll
When was the last time you had a 'staycation' holiday in the UK?
0 to 2 Years/3 to 5 Years/Never
Monday 11th May, 2020
10am Poll
How do you feel about lockdown changes announced for UK yesterday?
2pm Poll
Have the changes announced by the Governemnt yesterday affected your work situation?
Week of 4th May, 2020
Sunday 10th May, 2020
10am Poll
Do you agree with the rumoured policy of 14 day quarantine for new arrivals to the UK?
2pm Poll
Would you feel happy to install the 'track & trace' app if the current trial is successful?
Saturday 9th May, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, what has worried you the most about the covid-19 pandemic?
2pm Poll
In the last 7 days have you been more price conscious with your spending?
Friday 8th May, 2020
10am Poll
Do you think the whole of the UK should ease Lockdown restrictions together?
2pm Poll
In the past week, have you been reassured by the government addresses?
Thursday 7th May, 2020
10am Poll
Do you want the current Lockdown restrictions to ease next week?
2pm Poll
In the past week, who have you been most concerned about health risk to?
Wednesday 6th May, 2020
10am Poll
Over the last 7 days, have you reached out to people that you have not spoken to in recent months?
Once/ 1+ / No
2pm Poll
Are you buying the same amount of alcohol as normal?
Tuesday 5th May, 2020
10am Poll
Do you love your partner more than 6 weeks ago?
2pm Poll
Do you feel comfortable about using public transport?
Monday 4th May, 2020
10am Poll
Do you miss going to work?
Yes/No Job/No
2pm Poll
Will your relationship survive?
Week of 27th April, 2020
Sunday 3rd May, 2020
10am Poll
In the last 7 days what has happened to your amount of screen time?
2pm Poll
Are you getting up two hours or more later than usual?
Saturday 2nd May, 2020
10am Poll
Over recent weeks what has happened to your job satisfaction?
No work/ Raised/Lower
2pm Poll
In the last 7 days have you been more price conscious with your spending?
Friday 1st May, 2020
10am Poll
Looking to the future, do you think that you will be rebalancing your lifstyle in a more hollistic way?
2pm Poll
Which of these 3 options would normally be your preffered 'Friday Night Out'?
Cinema/Pub or Club/Eat Out
Thursday 30th April, 2020
10am Poll
Over the last 7 days have you done anything for the first time in your life?
Once/ 1+ / No
2pm Poll
In the past week, how frustrated have you felt?
Wednsday 29th April, 2020
10am Poll
How efficiently can you work from home compared to usual place of work?
2pm Poll
In the last 7 days how many times have you used cash?
Zero/1 to 5/ Over5
Tuesday 28th April, 2020
10am Poll
How presentable do you make yourself if you are having a video meeting compared to meeting face to face?
Same/Don't Care/Less
2pm Poll
In the last 7 days how much time have you spent helping others compared to normal?
Monday 27th April, 2020
10am Poll
Over the last 7 days how have your energy levels been compared to normal?
2pm Poll
Over the last week have you been getting up later than normal?
Week of 20th April, 2020
10am Poll
Over the last week have you spent more or less time keeping your home clean and tidy?
2pm Poll
Which of the following is most important in your life today?
Saturday 25th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the last week, how many times did you do something just for the fun of it?
2pm Poll
Over the last 7 days, how has your stress level been comparted to normal?
Friday 24th April, 2020
10am Poll
Are you being driven mad by your children or your neighbours children?
2pm Poll
With the weekend approaching, how much time did you work this week compared to normal?
0% - 25% / 26% - 75% / Over 75%
Thursday 23rd April, 2020
10am Poll
How long should the PM stay away from the office?
1 wk /1-2 wk/2 wk+
2pm Poll
Are you missing your friends??
Wednesday 22nd April, 2020
10am Poll
Are you eating more fruit and greens?
2pm Poll
Is your partner/house mates driving you mad?
Tuesday 21st April, 2020
10am Poll
How many times a week are you having a takeaway?
None/1 to 5/5 or more
2pm Poll
Are you fitter or fatter than three weeks ago?
Monday 20th April, 2020
10am Poll
Harry & Meghan to freeze out the tabloid press, do you care?
2pm Poll
Over the last 7 days, have you reached out to people that you have not spoken to in recent months?
Week of 13th April, 2020
10am Poll
Have you made new 'Zoom' friendships?
2pm Poll
Over the last 7 days have you done anything for the first time in your life?
Saturday 18th April, 2020
10am Poll
Are you pleased to see your relatives - less often?
2pm Poll
Are you being more careful about what you eat?
Friday 17th April, 2020
10am Poll
On balance which of the following is your most trusted source of news?
2pm Poll
Are you buying more alcohol?
Thursday 16th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the last 7 days how much have you interacted with your neighbours compared to normal?
2pm Poll
In the last 7 days have you need to use any type of support services?
Wednesday 15th April, 2020
10am Poll
2pm Poll
In the last 7 days have you increased the amount of time you spend on hobbies or courses?
Tuesday 14th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, who have you been most concerned about health risk to?
2pm Poll
Monday 13th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, what has worried you the most about the covid-19 pandemic?
2pm Poll
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, should the Government now ban any involvement from Huawei in UK's 5G rollout?
Week of 6th April, 2020
Sunday 12th April, 2020
In the past week, have you felt that the current social distancing measures are?
2pm Poll
Do you want the Government to to introduce strickter penalties for those that break the Coronavirus rules?
Saturday 11th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, have you felt that the covid-19 pandemic could bring people together or tear people apart?
2pm Poll
Should we stop the buses in big cities like London to protect the drivers?
Friday 10th April, 2020
In the past week, how worried have you been about the on-going covid-19 pandemic?
2pm Poll
How much of an impact has the coronavirus had on your income?
In the past week, what do you think the government has been prioritising most in their response to the covid-19 pandemic?
Thursday 9th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, have you trusted the government to do everything in their power to ensure that the basic needs of the public are met?
2pm Poll
6pm Poll
In the past week, has it been difficult to fully comply with the social distancing measures outlined by the government?
Wednesday 8th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, have you felt that the reasons for the current social distancing measures have been made clear?
6pm Poll
In the past week, have you been reassured by the government addresses?
Tuesday 7th April, 2020
Monday 6th April, 2020
Week of 30th March, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, have you felt that the current social distancing measures are?
Fair, Excessive, Weak
2pm Poll
In the past week, how has your mental health been?
Good, Average, Poor
Saturday 4th April, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, have you felt that the covid-19 pandemic could bring people together or tear people apart?
2pm Poll
In the past week, have you or any other person in your household experienced any COVID -19 symptoms (cough or fever) or received a positive test?
Friday 3rd April, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, how worried have you been about the on-going covid-19 pandemic?
2pm Poll
In the past week, what do you think the government has been prioritising most in their response to the covid-19 pandemic?
10am Poll
2pm Poll
In the past week, has it been difficult to fully comply with the social distancing measures outlined by the government?
Yes/Somewhat/Not at all
Wednesday 1st April, 2020
10am Poll
2pm Poll
How aware are you of the Government guidelines that apply to members of your household?
Tuesday 31st March, 2020
10am Poll
Recently, Johnson contradicted Thatcher and said that there is such a thing as society. Do you agree?
2pm Poll
During the last week, has shopping for essentials been more or less of a concern than usual?
Monday 30th March, 2020
Week of 23rd March, 2020
10am Poll
What role do you think social media has played in people adopting UK Government Coronavirus plan?
2pm Poll
Do you think that a 12 week UK-wide Covid-19 related lockdown would be:
Saturday 28th March, 2020
10am Poll
What has been the greatest challenge fo you this week?
2pm Poll
Have you or anyone else in your household had at least 2 of the COVID19 symptoms in the last week?
Friday 27th March, 2020
10am Poll
Is society doing enough to express gratitude to key workers?
2pm Poll
Are you more or less worried about covid-19 now that the PM has tested positive?
More/No change/Less
Thursday 26th March, 2020
10am Poll
In the past week, have you isolated any household members from the rest of the household?
2pm Poll
In the past week, how transparent do you think that the government has been in their communications relating to covid-19?
Wednesday 25th March, 2020
10am Poll
Who does social distancing most protect?
2pm Poll
In the past week, how many times have you been out to socialise in groups of more than 2 people?
Tuesday 24th March, 2020
10am Poll
Is it time for the Government to impose more draconian lockdown policies?
Yes/No/Not Sure
2pm Poll
Do you think the current social distancing measures are:
Monday 23rd March, 2020
Week of 16th March, 2020
10am Poll
What worries you the most about the covid-19 pandemic?
2pm Poll
What impact has the Coronavisus had in your faith of the British people?
Saturday 21st March, 2020
10am Poll
How effective do you think the current social distancing measures are?
Are you or anyone in your household a keyworker?
Firday 20th March, 2020
10am Poll
PM & Queen ask the nation to follow Government advice, are you?
2pm Poll
Compared to last week, do you feel more or less confident in Boris' ability as PM?
Thursday 19th March, 2020
10am Poll
Should the government ask for a Brexit extension or are we better of leaving EU ASAP.
Have you or anyone in your household had Coronavirus like symptons?
Wednesday 18th March, 2020
10am Poll
Not Yet Set
Yes/No/Not Sure
2pm Poll
Has the Coronavirus outbreak made you more considerate to the vulnerable in society?
Yes/No/Not Sure
Tuesday 17th March, 2020
Monday 16th March, 2020
Week of 9th March, 2020
10am Poll
Which do you prefer when cleaning your hands?
2pm Poll
Is the suggested policy for over 70's & vulnerable people being self isolated for upto 4 months sensible?
Saturday 14th March, 2020
10am Poll
Has your GP or health provider contacted you with any message regarding Coronavirus?
2pm Poll
Have any of your friends, family or colleagues been advised to self isolate yet?
Friday 13th March, 2020
10am Poll
2pm Poll
When was the last time you cleaned your phone?
Thursday 12th March, 2020
10am Poll
When did you start to make plans to protect yourself from COVID-19?
2pm Poll
Was yesterday's budget the correct balance given Coronavirus outbreak?
Wednesday 11th March, 2020
10am Poll
Should all MPs now self isolate after Health Minister tested positive for Coronavirus?
2pm Poll
Do you think the Government is doing enough to protect the UK against coronavirus?
Tuesday 10th March, 2020
Do you trust the advice from UK medical experts to keep us safe?
2pm Poll
Will Coronavirus contribute towards the destruction of the EU project?
Monday 9th March, 2020
Week of 2nd March, 2020
10am Poll
Has COVID-19 highlighted the downside of our global economy?
2pm Poll
How concerned are you about COVID-19 today?
Saturday 7th March, 2020
10am Poll
Has your employer offered the option to work from home?
2pm Poll
If a Corona Virus vaccination was available, would you take it?
Friday 6th March, 2020
10am Poll
With empty car parks and trains has the virus put us on a four day week?
Yes/No/Not Sure
2pm Poll
Thursday 5th March, 2020
10am Poll
Yes/No/Not Sure
2pm Poll
Why has Sadiq Khan said no risk of getting COVID-19 on the tube?
Yes/No/Don't Care
Wednesday 4th March, 2020
10am Poll
Do you see wearing a mask as admitting defeat?
2pm Poll
Could you afford to take time off work to self-isolate if you develop flu-like symptoms?
Yes/No/Don't Care
Tuesday 3rd March, 2020
10am Poll
Would you support a year long media blackout on Meghan and Harry?
Yes/No/Not Sure
2pm Poll
What do you think government's top priority is when it comes to Coronavirus? Managing:
Monday 2nd March, 2020
© Please note all poll results are Copywright of AirMyOpinion
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