Roger, Michelle & Amber
Click for Roger & Family background info
Click for Roger & Family background info
My family is on a 12 week lockdown as my wife Michelle is in one of the at risk groups. I work self employed in the construction industry specialising in fitting air conditioning systems. My wife, Michelle has had MS for about 10 years, she's the strongest woman I know. Our daughter, Amber, is 14 years old and loves going out with her friends being sociable and asking her dad for money. I actually have a magic monrey tree at the end of the garden...
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Day 63
Today has been a really nice day, had a bit of a lie in didn’t get up till 9.30. We had breakfast in the garden. Our eldest daughter and her partner are combing over today for a barbeque so had a bit of prepping to do first. Thought I would wake Amber up to help, that didn’t go down too well. Stroppy little moo wouldn’t get up, said ‘it was too early’ it actually was 11o.clock. Even Michelle said not to wake her up. You can’t win with a house full of women sometimes.
I made a really nice salad and some peri peri chicken with other bits, got everything ready and went for a bit of a sunbathe with Michelle. I can’t seem to get as brown as Michelle, she’s always ribbing me about it as well lol!!
By the time Leah and Aaron arrived Amber had just surfaced and made some wise crack about did I need any help. I said yeah you can tidy up later for me, took the smile of her face. Cheeky little cow lol!
Was a really nice afternoon, food was lovely felt a bit weird keeping apart but I suppose it’s better to be safe than sorry and they both understand. Amber did do the tidying up for me and in fairness she does a good job every time she does it.
Everyone was gone by 6pm. by the time they had left I could see Michelle was struggling a little bit. She looked really fatigued bless her she said to me I need a lie down. By the time we got sorted out it was getting near 8pm been a really nice day got work tomorrow so gonna have an early night as well ..
Day 62
I made a really nice salad and some peri peri chicken with other bits, got everything ready and went for a bit of a sunbathe with Michelle. I can’t seem to get as brown as Michelle, she’s always ribbing me about it as well lol!!
By the time Leah and Aaron arrived Amber had just surfaced and made some wise crack about did I need any help. I said yeah you can tidy up later for me, took the smile of her face. Cheeky little cow lol!
Was a really nice afternoon, food was lovely felt a bit weird keeping apart but I suppose it’s better to be safe than sorry and they both understand. Amber did do the tidying up for me and in fairness she does a good job every time she does it.
Everyone was gone by 6pm. by the time they had left I could see Michelle was struggling a little bit. She looked really fatigued bless her she said to me I need a lie down. By the time we got sorted out it was getting near 8pm been a really nice day got work tomorrow so gonna have an early night as well ..
Day 62
Today has been a normal Saturday had a nice lie in this morning .not to late was about 9.30 we both had a bit breakfast in the garden. We told my mum that she could come round today and sit out in the back garden and have some lunch and a good catch up.
Funny I started tidying up before she came round always feel I need to tidy because my mum’s coming round. Even Michelle was taking the Micky out of me, she calls my mum Mrs Bucket after the woman on that TV programme lol! So I had a mad hour tidying up before my mum arrived.
We all sat around catching up for few hours Michelle was telling my mum about what’s been going on with the CBD she has been taking. My mum was saying one of her friend was taking it as well for pain relief. I am glad my mum was round because she always gives me a bit of advice on the plants in the garden, my mums very green fingered.
I had to go and get Amber out of bed, lazy cow, was still asleep and we didn’t want her to miss her nan. I made us all a bit of lunch or in Amber’s case breakfast. My mum left at about 3 ish. After I did a bit of grading had to cut the grass and do a bit of weeding. I managed to get it looking nice again Michelle and Amber were having a sunbathing session. It’s been another lovely day today.
Day 61
Funny I started tidying up before she came round always feel I need to tidy because my mum’s coming round. Even Michelle was taking the Micky out of me, she calls my mum Mrs Bucket after the woman on that TV programme lol! So I had a mad hour tidying up before my mum arrived.
We all sat around catching up for few hours Michelle was telling my mum about what’s been going on with the CBD she has been taking. My mum was saying one of her friend was taking it as well for pain relief. I am glad my mum was round because she always gives me a bit of advice on the plants in the garden, my mums very green fingered.
I had to go and get Amber out of bed, lazy cow, was still asleep and we didn’t want her to miss her nan. I made us all a bit of lunch or in Amber’s case breakfast. My mum left at about 3 ish. After I did a bit of grading had to cut the grass and do a bit of weeding. I managed to get it looking nice again Michelle and Amber were having a sunbathing session. It’s been another lovely day today.
Day 61
Today has been a nice day Michelle and I were up at 7, I had to go in to work again today. We both had our breakfast then I got a few bits ready for Michelle and set off. Really wasn’t looking forward to work I had 2 tons of aggregate to move and it’s been so hot today. My head was telling me before I even got to work that I wasn’t going to be there all day. I moved all the materials in by 12.30 then made a move home.
My eldest daughter Leah was popping round again and I wanted to see her as well. I got back about 1pm Leah turned up with her partner and then all we sat out in the back garden I set some chairs up each side of the patio so everyone was a good 3 metres apart. I made some food on the barbeque, sausage sandwiches nothing special.
Michelle was telling Leah about the CBD capsules she has been taking and what a difference it makes to the stiffness and hyper sensitivity she suffers with. Leah’s reply was are they any good for hangovers typical 19 year old lol!!
Been a lovely afternoon, but Michelle was feeling quite fatigued very so was an early evening today, it was about 6 pm when she asked if we could get her in to bed. That’s nearly 12 hours stuck in a chair and I know she gets fed up sitting all day. We did some stretches as well. This evening I’ve got few games to catch up on then Amber and I are going to watch a film, Aladdin I’ve been told ...
Day 60
My eldest daughter Leah was popping round again and I wanted to see her as well. I got back about 1pm Leah turned up with her partner and then all we sat out in the back garden I set some chairs up each side of the patio so everyone was a good 3 metres apart. I made some food on the barbeque, sausage sandwiches nothing special.
Michelle was telling Leah about the CBD capsules she has been taking and what a difference it makes to the stiffness and hyper sensitivity she suffers with. Leah’s reply was are they any good for hangovers typical 19 year old lol!!
Been a lovely afternoon, but Michelle was feeling quite fatigued very so was an early evening today, it was about 6 pm when she asked if we could get her in to bed. That’s nearly 12 hours stuck in a chair and I know she gets fed up sitting all day. We did some stretches as well. This evening I’ve got few games to catch up on then Amber and I are going to watch a film, Aladdin I’ve been told ...
Day 60
Today has been a busy day, my first full day back at work. I set the alarm for 7am then made some breakfast for Michelle. After making breakfast I made myself some sandwiches for my lunch and sorted out my tools, which I should have done the night before, I always leave everything to the last minute. I ended up rushing around like a lunatic didn’t leave the house till 9. Not all my fault as I had to get a few bits sorted for Michelle as well before I left.
I have been a bit anxious about going back to work. I know we are all going to have to live with Covid, but it doesn’t make it any easier specially as Michelle is at risk. It was ok though in the end very quiet on site, not many people around just the guy that owned the property and I was working in the back garden as well. He just left me to get on with it.
It was nice to get out and do a bit of work after being off for so long. Most of the anxiety had gone once I got there and knew it was a safe environment. It wasn’t a late day, I finished about 3pm. They were running a COVID-19 test centre in the park at the top of my road. So I thought I would go and get tested, not that I think I’ve got it but Michelle said to get tested just because I’ve been out the house a few times.
When I got back home Amber had been a right busy bee she had tidied up in the kitchen and the living room, she does a bloody good job as well. Always an ulterior motive though. She then asked if we could have McDonald’s for dinner lol!! After dinner Michelle and I went up for a shower and Amber asked if she could go for a walk around the block a few time .I told her to be back in time for the clapping for the NHS as it is the last time this evening.
Day 59
I have been a bit anxious about going back to work. I know we are all going to have to live with Covid, but it doesn’t make it any easier specially as Michelle is at risk. It was ok though in the end very quiet on site, not many people around just the guy that owned the property and I was working in the back garden as well. He just left me to get on with it.
It was nice to get out and do a bit of work after being off for so long. Most of the anxiety had gone once I got there and knew it was a safe environment. It wasn’t a late day, I finished about 3pm. They were running a COVID-19 test centre in the park at the top of my road. So I thought I would go and get tested, not that I think I’ve got it but Michelle said to get tested just because I’ve been out the house a few times.
When I got back home Amber had been a right busy bee she had tidied up in the kitchen and the living room, she does a bloody good job as well. Always an ulterior motive though. She then asked if we could have McDonald’s for dinner lol!! After dinner Michelle and I went up for a shower and Amber asked if she could go for a walk around the block a few time .I told her to be back in time for the clapping for the NHS as it is the last time this evening.
Day 59
Today’s been a nice day, I got up at a sensible time. Michelle and I had a nice bit of scrabbled egg on toast for breakfast. Amber got up quite early it’s my birthday today so she was getting a bit excited about me opening her present that she got me. She even asked if she could open my cards for me lol!,
It was nice we had a few visitors today. My mother in law turned up this morning, first time Michelle has seen her mum in 3months, what I did was set some chairs up in the front garden at a good 3 metres apart and we sat outside and had a chat with Chris.
When she left my eldest daughter Leah came over with her partner and we ended up sitting out in the front garden chatting with them for a good couple of hours. It was really nice for Michelle as well I know she misses seeing her mum and Leah.
After everyone had dispersed we had a nice barbeque in the back garden, my mum had brought some minty lamb chops over for us this morning and a birthday cake as well lol!,
Funny thing happened today with Michelle, Amber was doing some leg stretches for her and while she was resting her legs on Amber’s knees she was able to move her legs a little bit, which was a bit as shock to all of us because Michelle generally can’t move her legs. Michelle seems to think that it’s the CBD that is helping her. Don’t get me wrong she’s never going to walk again but to get some movement back in her legs would be fantastic .watch this space.
Was a really big thing to happen though. Amber was amazed bless her. So today’s been a nice day caught up with some family, even felt a bit like a normal day. Even though we’re all still social distancing.
Day 58
It was nice we had a few visitors today. My mother in law turned up this morning, first time Michelle has seen her mum in 3months, what I did was set some chairs up in the front garden at a good 3 metres apart and we sat outside and had a chat with Chris.
When she left my eldest daughter Leah came over with her partner and we ended up sitting out in the front garden chatting with them for a good couple of hours. It was really nice for Michelle as well I know she misses seeing her mum and Leah.
After everyone had dispersed we had a nice barbeque in the back garden, my mum had brought some minty lamb chops over for us this morning and a birthday cake as well lol!,
Funny thing happened today with Michelle, Amber was doing some leg stretches for her and while she was resting her legs on Amber’s knees she was able to move her legs a little bit, which was a bit as shock to all of us because Michelle generally can’t move her legs. Michelle seems to think that it’s the CBD that is helping her. Don’t get me wrong she’s never going to walk again but to get some movement back in her legs would be fantastic .watch this space.
Was a really big thing to happen though. Amber was amazed bless her. So today’s been a nice day caught up with some family, even felt a bit like a normal day. Even though we’re all still social distancing.
Day 58
Today’s been a nice day didn't get up till 9.30. Don't really like getting up that late, it throws the day out a little bit. Plus I had to go over to my dad's today and it was a year ago today that my step mum passed away. So wanted to spend a bit of time with my dad and brother.
I popped over to the drive through KFC in Heathrow for my little brother, he loves KFC and I know he hasn't had one since lockdown so wanted to treat him to today. Just to try and cheer him up a little bit. I got over to my dad's house about 1ish. His little face was lit up when he saw the KFC bag.
We all sat down and ate lunch together and spoke about a few old memories good times passed. After lunch I did a few bits for my dad. He brought a load of sweets for Amber for me to take back as well. So she's going to be happy. I left my dad's about 4.
When I got home Michelle and Amber were being a bit secretive. I think they have something planned. Amber was telling me to go away lol!! Got a lockdown birthday tomorrow so I think I know what there up to. Amber asked if she could help me do dinner, so we set about making the dinner. I got Amber peeling the spuds, which she's very good at. I've also been teaching Amber chess and she's been practising on line and while peeling she was telling me how good she’s getting even challenged me to a game lol!!.
We had dinner in the garden. After dinner Michelle and I went up for a shower. It’s been another tuff day for Michelle. i Feel quite hopeless sometimes when things are so bad for Michelle because I can do all the things that she needs but it doesn’t seem to make it any better...
Day 57
I popped over to the drive through KFC in Heathrow for my little brother, he loves KFC and I know he hasn't had one since lockdown so wanted to treat him to today. Just to try and cheer him up a little bit. I got over to my dad's house about 1ish. His little face was lit up when he saw the KFC bag.
We all sat down and ate lunch together and spoke about a few old memories good times passed. After lunch I did a few bits for my dad. He brought a load of sweets for Amber for me to take back as well. So she's going to be happy. I left my dad's about 4.
When I got home Michelle and Amber were being a bit secretive. I think they have something planned. Amber was telling me to go away lol!! Got a lockdown birthday tomorrow so I think I know what there up to. Amber asked if she could help me do dinner, so we set about making the dinner. I got Amber peeling the spuds, which she's very good at. I've also been teaching Amber chess and she's been practising on line and while peeling she was telling me how good she’s getting even challenged me to a game lol!!.
We had dinner in the garden. After dinner Michelle and I went up for a shower. It’s been another tuff day for Michelle. i Feel quite hopeless sometimes when things are so bad for Michelle because I can do all the things that she needs but it doesn’t seem to make it any better...
Day 57
Today’s been a nice day Michelle and I had egg and bacon sandwiches for breakfast in the garden. A friend of mine called and asked if I fancied going for a ride out on the bikes. I was in two minds weather to go or not. Michelle hasn’t been too good over the last few days, she’s been struggling a bit with different things all related to her MS. So I wasn’t sure whether to go or not, but Michelle said ‘it would be nice for you to get out’. She also pointed out that I’m working this week as well so make the most of it.
We spent a couple of hours trying to sort out a new phone for Michelle before I went. Her phone has given up. It’s crazy we could get a better deal online than what her mobile provider could do for us. I was meeting my mate about 12 so got kitted up and set off. I decided to go for ride up to Salisbury taking in the scenic route, the roads weren’t very busy the further you went out of London.
I had a stop off on the way just for a drink and refuel and got back about 3’o clock. Michelle and Amber were in the garden. I had a barbecue planned for today so when I got back I made up some salad done some peri peri chicken on the barbeque. It went down really well. Amber was moaning that there weren’t any burgers. Can’t win sometimes lol!!
After we had eaten Michelle and I went upstairs to do her physio on the bed. Michelle’s left side is the worst affected by her MS. She finds her left arm really hard to move plus her hand claws in so she has to where a palm glove to try to keep it open. But this week her right hand has started to do the same, so we’ve both been a bit worried about this. From past experience we both know that once this starts it doesn’t improve.
Amber has asked if we can all watch a film this evening. I think she’s got one in mind as well, Legend with will Smith I think she said.
Day 56
When I got home Amber informed me with a bit of excitement that McDonald's was open. Lol!! So you can guess what we were having for dinner. Michelle seemed happy about it as well. I'm not that keen. The queue was massive as it was only the drive through bit that was open. I ended up queuing for 45 minutes. If it wasn't for Amber I wouldn't have bothered... Girls loved it though.
After dinner Michelle and I headed up for a shower. I am going to have an early night tonight, I had a few late nights recently so need to catch up on the beauty sleep...
Day 55
We spent a couple of hours trying to sort out a new phone for Michelle before I went. Her phone has given up. It’s crazy we could get a better deal online than what her mobile provider could do for us. I was meeting my mate about 12 so got kitted up and set off. I decided to go for ride up to Salisbury taking in the scenic route, the roads weren’t very busy the further you went out of London.
I had a stop off on the way just for a drink and refuel and got back about 3’o clock. Michelle and Amber were in the garden. I had a barbecue planned for today so when I got back I made up some salad done some peri peri chicken on the barbeque. It went down really well. Amber was moaning that there weren’t any burgers. Can’t win sometimes lol!!
After we had eaten Michelle and I went upstairs to do her physio on the bed. Michelle’s left side is the worst affected by her MS. She finds her left arm really hard to move plus her hand claws in so she has to where a palm glove to try to keep it open. But this week her right hand has started to do the same, so we’ve both been a bit worried about this. From past experience we both know that once this starts it doesn’t improve.
Amber has asked if we can all watch a film this evening. I think she’s got one in mind as well, Legend with will Smith I think she said.
Day 56
Today was a busy sort of day, I had a few things to do around the house. Amber's been on my case about sorting out the living room, it's the only room in the house that we haven't got round to decorating. It does need a good sort out. So Amber and I set about having a good old clean up with Michelle as supervisor. I can't believe how much crap we had. Amber was telling me off for wanting to keep everything. I am a bit of a hoarder, but I was out voted in the end.
Michelle had some prescriptions that needed picking up, which she had arranged with one of the volunteers. When she got them they had put the wrong meds in, bloody nightmare. I had to go up to the chemist myself in the end to swap them over. I really didn't want to be doing things like that, but mask and gloves on I went up there. Was pretty feared up about going in to the chemist. It was the last place I really wanted to be going. But to be honest it was OK, only two people were allowed in to the chemist at a time. I felt quite safe in the end and swapped over the prescription then headed back home.
Michelle had some prescriptions that needed picking up, which she had arranged with one of the volunteers. When she got them they had put the wrong meds in, bloody nightmare. I had to go up to the chemist myself in the end to swap them over. I really didn't want to be doing things like that, but mask and gloves on I went up there. Was pretty feared up about going in to the chemist. It was the last place I really wanted to be going. But to be honest it was OK, only two people were allowed in to the chemist at a time. I felt quite safe in the end and swapped over the prescription then headed back home.
When I got home Amber informed me with a bit of excitement that McDonald's was open. Lol!! So you can guess what we were having for dinner. Michelle seemed happy about it as well. I'm not that keen. The queue was massive as it was only the drive through bit that was open. I ended up queuing for 45 minutes. If it wasn't for Amber I wouldn't have bothered... Girls loved it though.
After dinner Michelle and I headed up for a shower. I am going to have an early night tonight, I had a few late nights recently so need to catch up on the beauty sleep...
Day 55
Today we were both up early. It was beautiful outside so we had breakfast in the garden. Michelle and I were talking about the holiday that we have booked for July and the fact that we won't be going. Slight concern as to whether they will cancel or not. If they cancel great we're getting our money back. But if they say we can go we won't be going just because of Michelle's situation. But we won't get our money back...Watch this space.
I got Amber up at 9.30 she managed to sweet talk us both in to having a day off from her school work. I think she just wanted go out and sunbathe in the garden lol! I popped out for a couple of hours with a friend for a bike ride it was really nice to get out. It feels like some sort of normality is returning, doing little things that we just all take for granted.
When I got back Amber was doing tik toks with Michelle in the garden. It was quite funny what she had Michelle doing. We've finally managed to get a regular shopping slot with the supermarkets now as well. We had to register with the government then they inform the supermarkets that someone at the household is high risk. So we got a decent shop.
Michelle also had some side supports for her wheel chair delivered today which we had been waiting for since lock down started. Seem to help her keep much more supported. She did say that she felt much more comfortable in her chair. We had a barbeque this evening which was nice. After dinner Amber was showing us her best dance moves to Michael Jackson music, of course I joined In....
Day 54
I got Amber up at 9.30 she managed to sweet talk us both in to having a day off from her school work. I think she just wanted go out and sunbathe in the garden lol! I popped out for a couple of hours with a friend for a bike ride it was really nice to get out. It feels like some sort of normality is returning, doing little things that we just all take for granted.
When I got back Amber was doing tik toks with Michelle in the garden. It was quite funny what she had Michelle doing. We've finally managed to get a regular shopping slot with the supermarkets now as well. We had to register with the government then they inform the supermarkets that someone at the household is high risk. So we got a decent shop.
Michelle also had some side supports for her wheel chair delivered today which we had been waiting for since lock down started. Seem to help her keep much more supported. She did say that she felt much more comfortable in her chair. We had a barbeque this evening which was nice. After dinner Amber was showing us her best dance moves to Michael Jackson music, of course I joined In....
Day 54
Today was a different kind of day. I've got a week's work building a garden wall for a friend only took the job on because I know I can social distance. So done some breakfast for Michelle and I. Then I ended up making myself and Michelle some sandwiches for lunch.
I loaded a few tools in the van and headed off. Feels good to be back doing something. It was typical when I got there, the guy hasn't been able to get the materials to site. So wasn't loads that I could get on with.
I was stressing a little, not about Michelle she had a couple of tuff days so I was sort of pleased there wasn't loads to be getting on with. I did a few hours but was back home by 12 which was nice. Will be starting back there on Monday.
Michelle and Amber were in the garden. Sunbathing Michelle was happy I was home she was feeling a bit uncomfortable in her wheel chair. Normally I can get her in the right position with a jiggle about which isn't always easy lol!
We spent the afternoon lazing around in the garden. But it was a bit too hot for Michelle. So we went up for an early shower to cool off a bit. Sometimes the heat can have a funny effect on Michelle, obviously all related to her MS
After the shower we did some physio for her on the bed. Michelle had a lie down for a couple of hours. Amber helped me cook the dinner. We went for a homemade stir fry so I got her cutting all the veg. She did a good job as well. Tonight we're all going to watch a film on Netflix that amber has suggested...
Day 53
I loaded a few tools in the van and headed off. Feels good to be back doing something. It was typical when I got there, the guy hasn't been able to get the materials to site. So wasn't loads that I could get on with.
I was stressing a little, not about Michelle she had a couple of tuff days so I was sort of pleased there wasn't loads to be getting on with. I did a few hours but was back home by 12 which was nice. Will be starting back there on Monday.
Michelle and Amber were in the garden. Sunbathing Michelle was happy I was home she was feeling a bit uncomfortable in her wheel chair. Normally I can get her in the right position with a jiggle about which isn't always easy lol!
We spent the afternoon lazing around in the garden. But it was a bit too hot for Michelle. So we went up for an early shower to cool off a bit. Sometimes the heat can have a funny effect on Michelle, obviously all related to her MS
After the shower we did some physio for her on the bed. Michelle had a lie down for a couple of hours. Amber helped me cook the dinner. We went for a homemade stir fry so I got her cutting all the veg. She did a good job as well. Tonight we're all going to watch a film on Netflix that amber has suggested...
Day 53
Today’s been a nice day me and Michelle got up at the usual time. We're both in competition to see who can get best tan at the moment. So it was breakfast then straight in the garden. Today I was due to go over and help my dad, so couldn't be lazing around all day in the garden.
Amber came down at about 9.30 set her alarm again, impressive she said she had history homework to do. History is one of her subjects for her exams. So it was nice to see her so keen to get on with it.
I left to go to my dad's at 1, the roads are a lot busier now, actually sat in a bit of traffic today that's the first time in a while. My dad does a bit of shopping for us each week, he gets a slot each week with Asda so he always gets ours on top of his.
My dad is not able to do that much around the house so I always have a good tidy up for him. Then put his shopping away for him. Then I make sure that my younger brother is alright. I left my dad's place and headed home, when I got back a couple of Leah’s friends were outside having a chat with Michelle and Amber, social distancing of course. It was one of the girls 18th birthday so they popped round.
I got straight out in the garden when I got back, it’s been so lovely today and I missed a bit of tan time lol!!! Dinner was pizzas, nothing special quick and easy. Michelle and I just chilled out for a couple hours in the garden after dinner. Amber was keeping us entertained with her singing skills.
Day 52
Amber came down at about 9.30 set her alarm again, impressive she said she had history homework to do. History is one of her subjects for her exams. So it was nice to see her so keen to get on with it.
I left to go to my dad's at 1, the roads are a lot busier now, actually sat in a bit of traffic today that's the first time in a while. My dad does a bit of shopping for us each week, he gets a slot each week with Asda so he always gets ours on top of his.
My dad is not able to do that much around the house so I always have a good tidy up for him. Then put his shopping away for him. Then I make sure that my younger brother is alright. I left my dad's place and headed home, when I got back a couple of Leah’s friends were outside having a chat with Michelle and Amber, social distancing of course. It was one of the girls 18th birthday so they popped round.
I got straight out in the garden when I got back, it’s been so lovely today and I missed a bit of tan time lol!!! Dinner was pizzas, nothing special quick and easy. Michelle and I just chilled out for a couple hours in the garden after dinner. Amber was keeping us entertained with her singing skills.
Day 52
Today was a lot busier than yesterday, I had a few Jobs to do around the house. One of the radiators is leaking water and so was the toilet that I took out a while back. There seems to be more water coming from somewhere in the cupboard 😤. Michelle said she's losing confidence in my workmanship - cheeky cow.
The radiators had it so I will need to get a new one. That's not really a problem right now, what with the Sumner approaching. The leak in the cupboard was my fault I didn’t put the stop end on properly and it's been letting go a bit. I didn’t tell Michelle that lol! Amber was laughing saying I bet that was your fault dad. I denied obviously.
Michelle was helping Amber with her Maths home work today. She's really improved her maths work since we have been in lock down. Michelle and I have both been helping her. More Michelle than me to be honest. My maths isn't the best.
We did manage to get in the garden for a couple of hours late afternoon weather’s been beautiful today. Done some stretches for Michelle in the garden said she didn't want to go inside it was too nice.
Amber was asking what was for dinner, I made a nice omelette with spinach for me and Michelle Amber just had cheese, she said ‘I am not eating that’. Lol! After dinner Michelle and I went up for a shower, it was getting quite late. Think by the time we got finished is was gone 8. I had a few games to catch up with on chess.Com tonight. Amber's watching Netflix in her room....
Day 51
The radiators had it so I will need to get a new one. That's not really a problem right now, what with the Sumner approaching. The leak in the cupboard was my fault I didn’t put the stop end on properly and it's been letting go a bit. I didn’t tell Michelle that lol! Amber was laughing saying I bet that was your fault dad. I denied obviously.
Michelle was helping Amber with her Maths home work today. She's really improved her maths work since we have been in lock down. Michelle and I have both been helping her. More Michelle than me to be honest. My maths isn't the best.
We did manage to get in the garden for a couple of hours late afternoon weather’s been beautiful today. Done some stretches for Michelle in the garden said she didn't want to go inside it was too nice.
Amber was asking what was for dinner, I made a nice omelette with spinach for me and Michelle Amber just had cheese, she said ‘I am not eating that’. Lol! After dinner Michelle and I went up for a shower, it was getting quite late. Think by the time we got finished is was gone 8. I had a few games to catch up with on chess.Com tonight. Amber's watching Netflix in her room....
Day 51
Today has been a typical Sunday. I have not really done loads. We we're both up quite early. After breakfast Michelle asked if I would go through some old photos with her. She wanted to take some photos of them and send them to her old school friends. We both find it quite hard looking at old photos sometimes. Reminds us of better times when Michelle wasn't stuck in a wheelchair. Nice to remind us though.
Amber made an appearance at about 1.30 and set about making her breakfast and our lunch. Eggy bread with bacon. It was actually really nice.
Most of the afternoon was spent in the garden. I even got round to potting a few plants that Michelle ordered online from the local garden centre.
My mum had brought round another little food parcel for us in the morning. It had some minced lamb in there, so I made some burgers up and cooked them on the barbeque.
Amber was asking if we could get the garden bowls out, last time we played she didn't do too well so this time I let her get the better of me lol!!
Michelle was getting tired quite early this evening and asked to go to bed was about 7 0-Clock. After Michelle went to bed Amber asked if we could watch a film. Her choice not mine as usual.
Day 51
Amber made an appearance at about 1.30 and set about making her breakfast and our lunch. Eggy bread with bacon. It was actually really nice.
Most of the afternoon was spent in the garden. I even got round to potting a few plants that Michelle ordered online from the local garden centre.
My mum had brought round another little food parcel for us in the morning. It had some minced lamb in there, so I made some burgers up and cooked them on the barbeque.
Amber was asking if we could get the garden bowls out, last time we played she didn't do too well so this time I let her get the better of me lol!!
Michelle was getting tired quite early this evening and asked to go to bed was about 7 0-Clock. After Michelle went to bed Amber asked if we could watch a film. Her choice not mine as usual.
Day 51
Today’s been one them lazy days plus it’s the weekend. Not that it feels like it makes much difference at the moment, every day is a Saturday!
We had a bit of a lie in this morning which doesn't happen very often, it was nice though. We got up at about 10 then we had breakfast in the garden. Michelle was dropping hints on what she thought should be done. We’ve got a Holly tree in out garden and it's dropping it leaves. So Michelle suggested I have a bit of a tidy up today. I did say ‘Maybe I could strap the rake to the back of your wheelchair and you can go up and down for me’ I don't think she was too impressed lol!!
I did end up having a good tidy up in the garden, gave the grass a cut as well. Forecast for next week is looking really good so nice to get the garden sorted out.
Amber didn't surface until just after 1 apparently I woke her up with the lawnmower. Cheeky moo. After lunch Michelle and I went up for a shower. Amber was catching up on her homework, she's fell behind a bit this week so we told her she has to catch up. In fairness to her she didn't seem to mind.
After the shower I did stretches on the bed for Michelle’s physio. Thankfully the stiffness in her legs and the hyper sensitivity seems to be easing off and that's 2 days back taking the CBD. I cannot believe how big a difference CBD is making to her life. Its amazing stuff. By the time we got done with the physio the time was getting on a bit.
My mum had dropped a little food parcel round for us this morning. In it she got us one of those curry boxes, so nothing to really do cooking wise just put it in the oven. Wasn't too bad. Amber didn't really like it, asked if she could cook some chicken nuggets instead lol!!.
This evening Michelle and I are going to watch the film Pawn Sacrafice, it’s a film about Bobby Fischer the American chess grandmaster interesting lol!!!
Day 50
We had a bit of a lie in this morning which doesn't happen very often, it was nice though. We got up at about 10 then we had breakfast in the garden. Michelle was dropping hints on what she thought should be done. We’ve got a Holly tree in out garden and it's dropping it leaves. So Michelle suggested I have a bit of a tidy up today. I did say ‘Maybe I could strap the rake to the back of your wheelchair and you can go up and down for me’ I don't think she was too impressed lol!!
I did end up having a good tidy up in the garden, gave the grass a cut as well. Forecast for next week is looking really good so nice to get the garden sorted out.
Amber didn't surface until just after 1 apparently I woke her up with the lawnmower. Cheeky moo. After lunch Michelle and I went up for a shower. Amber was catching up on her homework, she's fell behind a bit this week so we told her she has to catch up. In fairness to her she didn't seem to mind.
After the shower I did stretches on the bed for Michelle’s physio. Thankfully the stiffness in her legs and the hyper sensitivity seems to be easing off and that's 2 days back taking the CBD. I cannot believe how big a difference CBD is making to her life. Its amazing stuff. By the time we got done with the physio the time was getting on a bit.
My mum had dropped a little food parcel round for us this morning. In it she got us one of those curry boxes, so nothing to really do cooking wise just put it in the oven. Wasn't too bad. Amber didn't really like it, asked if she could cook some chicken nuggets instead lol!!.
This evening Michelle and I are going to watch the film Pawn Sacrafice, it’s a film about Bobby Fischer the American chess grandmaster interesting lol!!!
Day 50
Today’s been a really nice day Michelle and I were up early. Breakfast was the nice bread that my mate got us yesterday. I had arranged to go out for a ride today on my motorbike with a friend of mine. We are going to pop out for just a few hours, I haven't ridden the bike since before lockdown so looking forward to airing the cobwebs.
Amber woke up in a foul mood, not happy about something, I’ll Get to that later. I made Michelle a bit of lunch before I went out. It's funny because I've not been going out I tend to worry about leaving her. Which is silly really because she’s here most of the day on her own when I'm at work and Amber's at school. But still like to make sure she's OK.
Good thing about riding bikes is you can social distance really well. Was out for a few hours got back about 1.30. When I got home Amber was still a bit annoyed. Annoyed that I went out without her. Bless her. My own fault I did say I would take her out with me when we could go out again. So now she's told me I can take her out on Sunday.
Michelle was in the garden when I got home, I could hear her shouting for me to come out, and I panicked and ran outside. She screaming that the cat had caught something and it was screaming. Bloody cat had a frog in its mouth. I did try and get it out but the little sod ran off with it. Michelle was a bit upset, I don't think she liked the noise it was making. Then she was telling me not to let the cat in the house lol!!
Michelle asked if she could go for a lie down for a bit. Its better doing her physio when Michelle is in bed makes it so much easier. Funny as she was going up in the lift she was saying to me ‘make sure you don't let that cat in’ - lol!
I mentioned Michelle had been struggling a bit recently just with stiffness and hyper sensitivity, when Michelle was taking the CBD it had really helped with this. The guys at Pharmstrong had been supplying us with CBD products. They also have just sent a load more out to her as well. I can't thank you guys enough for that. It really improves her stiffness.
Tonight I'm doing a bit of Spanish food for us don't know how we'll it will go down just fancy something a bit different.
Day 49
Amber woke up in a foul mood, not happy about something, I’ll Get to that later. I made Michelle a bit of lunch before I went out. It's funny because I've not been going out I tend to worry about leaving her. Which is silly really because she’s here most of the day on her own when I'm at work and Amber's at school. But still like to make sure she's OK.
Good thing about riding bikes is you can social distance really well. Was out for a few hours got back about 1.30. When I got home Amber was still a bit annoyed. Annoyed that I went out without her. Bless her. My own fault I did say I would take her out with me when we could go out again. So now she's told me I can take her out on Sunday.
Michelle was in the garden when I got home, I could hear her shouting for me to come out, and I panicked and ran outside. She screaming that the cat had caught something and it was screaming. Bloody cat had a frog in its mouth. I did try and get it out but the little sod ran off with it. Michelle was a bit upset, I don't think she liked the noise it was making. Then she was telling me not to let the cat in the house lol!!
Michelle asked if she could go for a lie down for a bit. Its better doing her physio when Michelle is in bed makes it so much easier. Funny as she was going up in the lift she was saying to me ‘make sure you don't let that cat in’ - lol!
I mentioned Michelle had been struggling a bit recently just with stiffness and hyper sensitivity, when Michelle was taking the CBD it had really helped with this. The guys at Pharmstrong had been supplying us with CBD products. They also have just sent a load more out to her as well. I can't thank you guys enough for that. It really improves her stiffness.
Tonight I'm doing a bit of Spanish food for us don't know how we'll it will go down just fancy something a bit different.
Day 49
Today hasn’t been a busy day, we all got up at the same time this morning. I made us all a full English breakfast, we even had some black pudding. That was the first full English breakfast since the lockdown begun. It was bloody lovely. Michelle and Amber were impressed as well.
After breakfast Amber had quite a bit of homework to be getting on with. She missed out yesterday because we were out for the day so a bit of catching up to do.
Michelle and I have been tiered today, Michelle was up a few times in the night she gets this hyper sensitive feeling in her legs. She says it’s like a burning sensation but it wakes her up so I have move her around a bit to try to get it to stop. Docent really help much though. So we didn't get the best night's sleep.
A friend of mine called today, he said he had been to the bakers got me some of the bread I like. Before the lockdown we would go to the cafe on Saturday morning and after we would take a walk to the bakers to pick up some bread. I was saying to him the other day how I miss the fresh bread from the bakers. He took it upon himself to get me a loaf, I was well pleased.
Michelle and I did the shower this afternoon then both had a laze on the bed for an hour or so watched a bit of news on the TV. Amber asked if she could cook the dinner. We both laughed when she went down stairs because she can only cook nuggets and chips lol! It's the thought that counts. Tonight we're all going out to clap for the NHS.
Day 48
After breakfast Amber had quite a bit of homework to be getting on with. She missed out yesterday because we were out for the day so a bit of catching up to do.
Michelle and I have been tiered today, Michelle was up a few times in the night she gets this hyper sensitive feeling in her legs. She says it’s like a burning sensation but it wakes her up so I have move her around a bit to try to get it to stop. Docent really help much though. So we didn't get the best night's sleep.
A friend of mine called today, he said he had been to the bakers got me some of the bread I like. Before the lockdown we would go to the cafe on Saturday morning and after we would take a walk to the bakers to pick up some bread. I was saying to him the other day how I miss the fresh bread from the bakers. He took it upon himself to get me a loaf, I was well pleased.
Michelle and I did the shower this afternoon then both had a laze on the bed for an hour or so watched a bit of news on the TV. Amber asked if she could cook the dinner. We both laughed when she went down stairs because she can only cook nuggets and chips lol! It's the thought that counts. Tonight we're all going out to clap for the NHS.
Day 48
Today has been a bit different for us. We decided we were going to go out for a picnic, I think we all needed to get out the house as well. We decided to go up to the Surrey Hills, a place called Newlands Corner some lovely views over the Surrey Hills.
Amber was really excited about going out. To be honest Michelle and I were looking forward to getting out as well. I made all the sandwiches, threw a load of stuff in the bag and headed off out. I made a flask as well. Lol!
We were going to go up to the top of Box Hill, but when we got there they had shut the road to the top off. So had to go somewhere else, I knew Newlands corner just through going up there on the bikes in the summer. It’s a lovely place to go riding bikes. We didn't get there until gone midday, the roads weren't over busy and it was nice to have a drive out as well.
Amber and Michelle were impressed with the views over the hills, we found a little bench to sit at and have our picnic. Was funny we could hear some animals making funny noises in the woods there. I told Amber they were wolfs. Kids will believe anything you tell them sometimes. She wouldn't go and have a look to check it out either lol!!
We stayed for about an hour, there were a few people about but not loads. Michelle was also getting a bit cold, so we loaded everything back in to the van and made a move home. We went the long way home. Having a little drive through the country side was lovely. We got back home about 4pm. We all had a good day out today, I think the girls were getting a bit of cabin fever as well.
Day 47
Amber was really excited about going out. To be honest Michelle and I were looking forward to getting out as well. I made all the sandwiches, threw a load of stuff in the bag and headed off out. I made a flask as well. Lol!
We were going to go up to the top of Box Hill, but when we got there they had shut the road to the top off. So had to go somewhere else, I knew Newlands corner just through going up there on the bikes in the summer. It’s a lovely place to go riding bikes. We didn't get there until gone midday, the roads weren't over busy and it was nice to have a drive out as well.
Amber and Michelle were impressed with the views over the hills, we found a little bench to sit at and have our picnic. Was funny we could hear some animals making funny noises in the woods there. I told Amber they were wolfs. Kids will believe anything you tell them sometimes. She wouldn't go and have a look to check it out either lol!!
We stayed for about an hour, there were a few people about but not loads. Michelle was also getting a bit cold, so we loaded everything back in to the van and made a move home. We went the long way home. Having a little drive through the country side was lovely. We got back home about 4pm. We all had a good day out today, I think the girls were getting a bit of cabin fever as well.
Day 47
Today has been a busy day. We were up at 7.30, I had some scrambled eggs this morning just for a change, plus the fact we still got no butter for toast.
Amber was up at 9.00 she has a quite a bit of homework to catch up on today so made sure she was up and ready to go early. I had another job to look at today, I’ve had quite a few calls about work in the last week so I suppose things are starting open up a bit more now.
I had to go over to my dad's again today as well. He has done a food shop and got a load of shopping put in with his for us, which is desperately needed at the moment. While I am here today I'll also do a few bits round the house for him.
Our eldest daughter popped over to see us this afternoon, we haven't seen her for a while so it was nice to catch up. Obviously she's not coming in the house, she sits outside in the car and we have a good chat like that. Cheeky cow was trying to tap me up for money as well lol!!
I popped to my dad's to grab the shopping by the time I got back. The girls were asking what was for dinner. I couldn't really be bothered to do anything special tonight. Amber asked for hot dogs with onions. So nice and easy.
Amber did the tidying for me after dinner, she really doesn't mind doing it. She does a good job as well. Michelle and I went upstairs to do a bit of physio. She was really stiff today added to that I've been in and out most of the day. On a normal day if I'm at home all day there would be more stretches throughout the day. So if I'm out she gets neglected a little bit. Michelle went straight to bed after physio. She did look absolutely knackered. Think Amber wants to watch a film tonight and I'm sure it will be her choice lol!!
Day 46
Amber was up at 9.00 she has a quite a bit of homework to catch up on today so made sure she was up and ready to go early. I had another job to look at today, I’ve had quite a few calls about work in the last week so I suppose things are starting open up a bit more now.
I had to go over to my dad's again today as well. He has done a food shop and got a load of shopping put in with his for us, which is desperately needed at the moment. While I am here today I'll also do a few bits round the house for him.
Our eldest daughter popped over to see us this afternoon, we haven't seen her for a while so it was nice to catch up. Obviously she's not coming in the house, she sits outside in the car and we have a good chat like that. Cheeky cow was trying to tap me up for money as well lol!!
I popped to my dad's to grab the shopping by the time I got back. The girls were asking what was for dinner. I couldn't really be bothered to do anything special tonight. Amber asked for hot dogs with onions. So nice and easy.
Amber did the tidying for me after dinner, she really doesn't mind doing it. She does a good job as well. Michelle and I went upstairs to do a bit of physio. She was really stiff today added to that I've been in and out most of the day. On a normal day if I'm at home all day there would be more stretches throughout the day. So if I'm out she gets neglected a little bit. Michelle went straight to bed after physio. She did look absolutely knackered. Think Amber wants to watch a film tonight and I'm sure it will be her choice lol!!
Day 46
Today has been a much busier day, Michelle and I were up early. Breakfast was pretty poor, unfortunately we ran out of butter yesterday so it was just jam on dry toast. Not the best.
Michelle definitely wasn't impressed with me.
I had a friend of mine ask if I could do a little job for him. In his back garden. I'm also going to drop a dinner over to my dad today, so will be nice to get outside the house for a bit.
Amber got up at a sensible time today as well. We had to laugh said she dreamt we cloned our cat lol!! When I was on the way over to my dad's it seemed a bit busier than usual quite a few cars on the road. I saw a lot of people that didn't seem like they were social distancing. Definitely not 2 metres apart. Think!
My dad was pleased to see me, my brother was telling me that his computer was broken and which one he was going to buy. It has to have bigger keys because of his cerebral palsy, bless him. My dad was moaning about his gardener had let him down. He must be alright, he is always moaning about something.
I left to go and have a look at my mates little job, it was about 3pm I made sure he knew to keep 2 metres away as well. This is the first time I've been to somebody's house since the lockdown so it felt very strange to be somewhere else. He wants a barbeque built in his back garden.
When I got home Michelle and Amber were arguing, I go out for a few hours then come back home and it’s like a different house. Teenagers, one minute they are alright, the next they are screaming.
I said to Michelle what's up with her she just laughed and said hormones lol!!!. I made a spaghetti bolognaise for dinner quick and easy. After dinner me and Michelle went for a shower, we did Michelle's physio just before getting in the shower. Her stiffness is quite bad at the moment, going to try and see if we can get some more CBD for her. Can't believe how good that stuff is for her muscle stiffness. After the shower Michelle asked if she could go straight to bed think today has been a tuff one for her...
Day 45
Michelle definitely wasn't impressed with me.
I had a friend of mine ask if I could do a little job for him. In his back garden. I'm also going to drop a dinner over to my dad today, so will be nice to get outside the house for a bit.
Amber got up at a sensible time today as well. We had to laugh said she dreamt we cloned our cat lol!! When I was on the way over to my dad's it seemed a bit busier than usual quite a few cars on the road. I saw a lot of people that didn't seem like they were social distancing. Definitely not 2 metres apart. Think!
My dad was pleased to see me, my brother was telling me that his computer was broken and which one he was going to buy. It has to have bigger keys because of his cerebral palsy, bless him. My dad was moaning about his gardener had let him down. He must be alright, he is always moaning about something.
I left to go and have a look at my mates little job, it was about 3pm I made sure he knew to keep 2 metres away as well. This is the first time I've been to somebody's house since the lockdown so it felt very strange to be somewhere else. He wants a barbeque built in his back garden.
When I got home Michelle and Amber were arguing, I go out for a few hours then come back home and it’s like a different house. Teenagers, one minute they are alright, the next they are screaming.
I said to Michelle what's up with her she just laughed and said hormones lol!!!. I made a spaghetti bolognaise for dinner quick and easy. After dinner me and Michelle went for a shower, we did Michelle's physio just before getting in the shower. Her stiffness is quite bad at the moment, going to try and see if we can get some more CBD for her. Can't believe how good that stuff is for her muscle stiffness. After the shower Michelle asked if she could go straight to bed think today has been a tuff one for her...
Day 45
Today’s been an in-doors kind of day. The good weather seems to of left us for a bit. I got up a bit early for a Sunday, I wanted get the beef brisket my mum brought us in the slow cooker. It comes out lovely if it’s cooked slowly all day.
Michelle was complaining about the weather because she couldn't get out in the garden. The temperature has gone right down now.
Amber got up at 2pm today. Lol! I can't believe she can sleep for so long. Amber was asking if she could go through some old photos today on an old hard drive I had. So she's been busy going through them most of the day.
Michelle was starting to feel a little uncomfortable so we did some physio just before dinner to loosen her legs and arms up a bit.
Dinner was really nice even Amber cleared her plate. It’s been a typical Sunday really, just the weather's not been great. This evening we're going to all watch a film, don't suppose I'll have much choice in what we watch though lol!!
Day 44
Michelle was complaining about the weather because she couldn't get out in the garden. The temperature has gone right down now.
Amber got up at 2pm today. Lol! I can't believe she can sleep for so long. Amber was asking if she could go through some old photos today on an old hard drive I had. So she's been busy going through them most of the day.
Michelle was starting to feel a little uncomfortable so we did some physio just before dinner to loosen her legs and arms up a bit.
Dinner was really nice even Amber cleared her plate. It’s been a typical Sunday really, just the weather's not been great. This evening we're going to all watch a film, don't suppose I'll have much choice in what we watch though lol!!
Day 44
Today was a really nice day, the weather was beautiful and we were both up quite early. We had our breakfast, bacon and egg sandwiches then straight out in the garden.
Michelle had me doing a few bits and pieces for her. Must be frustrating for her sometimes when you need to ask for things to be done all the time because you can't do them yourself. She had me moving plant pots around the garden. I swear she was winding me up, even asked me to measure the distant between pots. I won't say what said. After pushing pots around for half hour. Gave all the plants a good watering.
Amber got up in a better mood today. Told us both about the dream she had lol! Then asked us if we would like a cup of Tea. She's a good girl. Played a few garden games with Amber she likes to play garden bowls. Even found a Frisbee when I was tidying up the other day. Which didn't last long as Amber manged to throw it two gardens down.
Michelle was still fuming about her friend who had a gathering at her house and I can see why. Bloody ridiculous.
After messing around in the garden for the afternoon we both went up for a shower about 4pm. After the shower we did Michelle's physio on the bed for a bit, leg stretches and arm Stretches. It was getting late by the time we finished.
Amber was complaining she was hungry. By the time we sat down for dinner it was quite late for us. After dinner Amber helped me tidy up. Michelle was feeling pretty fatigued and asked if she could go to bed. By this time. I just wanted to flake on the sofa lol!! But it has been a lovely Bank Holiday weekend so far
Day 43
Michelle had me doing a few bits and pieces for her. Must be frustrating for her sometimes when you need to ask for things to be done all the time because you can't do them yourself. She had me moving plant pots around the garden. I swear she was winding me up, even asked me to measure the distant between pots. I won't say what said. After pushing pots around for half hour. Gave all the plants a good watering.
Amber got up in a better mood today. Told us both about the dream she had lol! Then asked us if we would like a cup of Tea. She's a good girl. Played a few garden games with Amber she likes to play garden bowls. Even found a Frisbee when I was tidying up the other day. Which didn't last long as Amber manged to throw it two gardens down.
Michelle was still fuming about her friend who had a gathering at her house and I can see why. Bloody ridiculous.
After messing around in the garden for the afternoon we both went up for a shower about 4pm. After the shower we did Michelle's physio on the bed for a bit, leg stretches and arm Stretches. It was getting late by the time we finished.
Amber was complaining she was hungry. By the time we sat down for dinner it was quite late for us. After dinner Amber helped me tidy up. Michelle was feeling pretty fatigued and asked if she could go to bed. By this time. I just wanted to flake on the sofa lol!! But it has been a lovely Bank Holiday weekend so far
Day 43
Today Michelle had us up extra early 6.30. Once she's awake we're up. Was nice it was a beautiful morning outside so we had breakfast in the garden, making the most of the beautiful weather.
Michelle was telling me she had a WhatsApp video from one of her friends and they were having a bit of a party. I laughed and said what's wrong with that. Couldn't believe it when there were at least 15 of them in the video Bloody disgusting. I really can't believe some people. Michelle wasn't impressed, can't say I was either. Everyone's doing there bit and you got these idiots doing that. Anyway rant over.
Did have a bit of good news we managed to get our money back from part of our holiday which is much needed at the moment.
Amber was up at 10. She did some of home work for a few hours. History today the holocaust. History is one of her subjects for her exams so it's good she's studying hard. We all had a bit of lunch in the garden just some sandwiches after lunch Michelle was getting a little uncomfortable. We are waiting for some upgrades for her electric chair at the moment but because of the lock down she's not getting them yet.
We did Michelle's physio on the bed today like said before it's a bit easier doing it on the bed. Michelle didn't want a lie down today she wanted to get back out in the sun lol! We both had a lazy afternoon in the garden Amber even managed an hour as well which was a bit of a miracle. She's normally in her bedroom on her phone.
I made us all a Red Thai Curry for dinner, it was really nice. We'll Michelle and I thought so. I don't think Amber was that impressed. She still did all the dishes and tidying up though. Then asked could I pay for her to watch a film on sky store tonight lol! Michelle and I are going for a bit of Netflix.
Michelle was telling me she had a WhatsApp video from one of her friends and they were having a bit of a party. I laughed and said what's wrong with that. Couldn't believe it when there were at least 15 of them in the video Bloody disgusting. I really can't believe some people. Michelle wasn't impressed, can't say I was either. Everyone's doing there bit and you got these idiots doing that. Anyway rant over.
Did have a bit of good news we managed to get our money back from part of our holiday which is much needed at the moment.
Amber was up at 10. She did some of home work for a few hours. History today the holocaust. History is one of her subjects for her exams so it's good she's studying hard. We all had a bit of lunch in the garden just some sandwiches after lunch Michelle was getting a little uncomfortable. We are waiting for some upgrades for her electric chair at the moment but because of the lock down she's not getting them yet.
We did Michelle's physio on the bed today like said before it's a bit easier doing it on the bed. Michelle didn't want a lie down today she wanted to get back out in the sun lol! We both had a lazy afternoon in the garden Amber even managed an hour as well which was a bit of a miracle. She's normally in her bedroom on her phone.
I made us all a Red Thai Curry for dinner, it was really nice. We'll Michelle and I thought so. I don't think Amber was that impressed. She still did all the dishes and tidying up though. Then asked could I pay for her to watch a film on sky store tonight lol! Michelle and I are going for a bit of Netflix.
Day 42
Today we haven't done much at all. Michelle and I were up before 8, then we had breakfast in the garden. It was a beautiful morning so we both ended up sat in the garden for a good hour with Michelle telling me how nice the garden looked. All the hard work payed off. Happy wife easy life.
Amber got up on her own today. Said she had set her alarm. She’s feeling better today as well. Really haven't done much today, Michelle was talking to one of her friends who was telling her that she might be going back to work next week and how worried she was about it. Apparently her company have said they are putting social distancing measures in place.
One of our neighbours did a little food shop for us today. Amber asked if we could have a barbecue so got some chicken thighs and a few other bits. Our neighbour was telling us there were loads more people out than usual. Generally I think people are getting fed up staying in..
Most off the day Michelle and I have just lazed around in the garden. It really has been a chilled day. The barbecue went down really well. Michelle likes food she can pick up. She finds it really difficult eating normally, although I do help her when she wants me to. So when it's finger food I think she likes that fact because she doesn’t need any help.
After dinner Amber told me she was going to do all the tidying up she’s such a good girl and does a really good job of it as well. Even moans at me when I come in and mess it up lol!!
Me and Michelle were going up for a shower so left Amber to the tidying up. Amber telling us to hurry up because we're clapping for the NHS tonight. I think Ashford was on the news the other night saying that people are taking it to the extreme with all the noise they make people are letting off fireworks where they getting fireworks from lol!!!....
Day 41
Amber got up on her own today. Said she had set her alarm. She’s feeling better today as well. Really haven't done much today, Michelle was talking to one of her friends who was telling her that she might be going back to work next week and how worried she was about it. Apparently her company have said they are putting social distancing measures in place.
One of our neighbours did a little food shop for us today. Amber asked if we could have a barbecue so got some chicken thighs and a few other bits. Our neighbour was telling us there were loads more people out than usual. Generally I think people are getting fed up staying in..
Most off the day Michelle and I have just lazed around in the garden. It really has been a chilled day. The barbecue went down really well. Michelle likes food she can pick up. She finds it really difficult eating normally, although I do help her when she wants me to. So when it's finger food I think she likes that fact because she doesn’t need any help.
After dinner Amber told me she was going to do all the tidying up she’s such a good girl and does a really good job of it as well. Even moans at me when I come in and mess it up lol!!
Me and Michelle were going up for a shower so left Amber to the tidying up. Amber telling us to hurry up because we're clapping for the NHS tonight. I think Ashford was on the news the other night saying that people are taking it to the extreme with all the noise they make people are letting off fireworks where they getting fireworks from lol!!!....
Day 41
Today was a productive day up at the normal time, we both had breakfast in the garden. It was a beautiful morning. Michelle commented on how the grass was a bit long and suggested ‘it might be a good idea if you cut the grass today’. With a cheeky smile on her face. To be honest it was a bit overgrown. I also had a load of rubbish just piled up at the back of the shed.
I shouted to Amber to get up at 9.30.she wasn't feeling very well this morning. She was complaining that she felt a bit sick but we did think she was looking for a day off school lol! She asked if I would make her a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast. After her breakfast she got stuck in to her school work. Michelle and I are so pleased with her work ethic she works really hard.
So in to the garden. I spent a good few hours out there got it looking really nice. I got rid of all the rubbish, well I bagged it up and stacked it nicely. By the time I was done we were all a bit hungry. Done us all a few sandwiches and we ate lunch in the garden. Michelle was telling me that all I did was the tidy the rubbish up. I won’t repeat what I said. Lol!
After lunch we did some stretches for Michelle’s arms and legs her stiffness was quite bad today. After putting her through 20 minutes of pain...she asked if she could have a lie down for a couple of hours. The physio routine wares her out a lot.. So I Popped Michelle in to bed and got her comfortable.
While Michelle was resting I tiered up a few bits in the garden then relaxed on the sofa for an hour.. Amber was telling me it was one of her friend’s birthday and they were all going to have a zoom party. The girl’s dad had set all the Zoom stuff up for her. Amber asked me what she should were lol!!! I'm going along with it as well. Because I knew she was serious. Oh to be 14 again. By this time Michelle was ready to get up again.
Dinner was an a easy affair tonight pasta and left over bolognaise that I got out the freezer..
Only problem was I didn't get bolognaise out. I got chilli out instead. Girls weren't impressed although I thought it was alright.
I'll have to do better tomorrow. This evening Michelle and I are going to watch a film, I haven't decided which one yet. Fancy the new Tarantino film ‘Once upon a time in Hollywood’
Day 40
I shouted to Amber to get up at 9.30.she wasn't feeling very well this morning. She was complaining that she felt a bit sick but we did think she was looking for a day off school lol! She asked if I would make her a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast. After her breakfast she got stuck in to her school work. Michelle and I are so pleased with her work ethic she works really hard.
So in to the garden. I spent a good few hours out there got it looking really nice. I got rid of all the rubbish, well I bagged it up and stacked it nicely. By the time I was done we were all a bit hungry. Done us all a few sandwiches and we ate lunch in the garden. Michelle was telling me that all I did was the tidy the rubbish up. I won’t repeat what I said. Lol!
After lunch we did some stretches for Michelle’s arms and legs her stiffness was quite bad today. After putting her through 20 minutes of pain...she asked if she could have a lie down for a couple of hours. The physio routine wares her out a lot.. So I Popped Michelle in to bed and got her comfortable.
While Michelle was resting I tiered up a few bits in the garden then relaxed on the sofa for an hour.. Amber was telling me it was one of her friend’s birthday and they were all going to have a zoom party. The girl’s dad had set all the Zoom stuff up for her. Amber asked me what she should were lol!!! I'm going along with it as well. Because I knew she was serious. Oh to be 14 again. By this time Michelle was ready to get up again.
Dinner was an a easy affair tonight pasta and left over bolognaise that I got out the freezer..
Only problem was I didn't get bolognaise out. I got chilli out instead. Girls weren't impressed although I thought it was alright.
I'll have to do better tomorrow. This evening Michelle and I are going to watch a film, I haven't decided which one yet. Fancy the new Tarantino film ‘Once upon a time in Hollywood’
Day 40
Today we were up at 7.30, Michelle woke me saying she was feeling uncomfortable. So we got up straight away. We both had had a bit of breakfast.
Today I'm going over to my dad's to do some bits for him. I also had a dinner for him saved from Sunday. I got Amber up at 9.30 to start off her school day. I t was nice this morning, all her teachers had put a video together for the kids. Tik Tok of all the teachers in their pyjamas then in their work outfits was done really well. I think Amber was really impressed.
I had a quick shower then got ready to go over to my dad's. It's about a 20 minute drive. Noticed it’s really busy out there lots more people about. Drove past Homebase and the car park was full of cars bloody crazy..
Got to my dad's at about 12.30. My dad's been a bit out of sorts this week so I think he was pleased to see me. I did a bit of hoovering and tidy for him and a few other bits and pieces. My younger brother was complaining that his lap top kept turning off simple fix. Bless him had his screen timer set to 2 minutes.
I finished at my dad's about 3pm then headed back home.. Amber was doing the house work. She’s a good girl does a proper job as well.
Michelle asked if she could have a lie down, we did her physio as well at the same time. I had half hour on the bed while we were at it, watched the news for a bit. Captain Tom was on the news, amazing what that old fella has done raising all that money for the NHS.
Michelle told me what she wanted for dinner lol!! We're having salmon. I did it with a nice bit of rice & dark soy sauce. After dinner we had a phone call from our eldest daughter Leah, we had a good chat with her. Michelle and Amber are doing some face cleansing this evening. Think I’m gonna hit the sofa...
Day 39
Today we were both up early I did not have loads planned for today. I am going to have an easy day, especially since yesterday was so busy. We both had our breakfast. Michelle did ask me what I had planned with a little snigger in her voice lol!!
We got Amber up so she could get stuck in to her homework. She's doing really well with her homework making real effort to get it all done. Michelle was in the garden talking to one of her friends on the phone. Amber asked if I would help with a bit of homework, it was a music project about reggae. Not that I know a lot about reggae but I did my best though.
By the time we got that done it was 1pm. We had some toasted sandwiches for lunch. After lunch Michelle was feeling a bit uncomfortable and asked if she could have lie down. We did some physio for a little while. Michelle asked me to do after what I was doing. As I was only putting some washing on I said I would that come and have a lie down and watch a film. Good idea as it turns out, a lazy afternoon in bed watching a film.
Although we did disagree on what to watch. But she won in the end lol! By the Time we watched the film. It was 4 o'clock. Amber was asking what's for dinner. She decided she was going to cook her own dinner. I did ask if she was going to cook ours as well, she just laughed. I made a stir fry for dinner for me and Michelle, quick and easy. I think the girls are going to have a game of words with friends online tonight. I'm going to catch up on
Day 38
Today's been a busy Sunday we got up at 8.30 am Michelle guessed the time right again. We had some breakfast, marmite on toast. After breakfast I put a nice bit of pork in to the oven. I am going cook it all day, then it just falls apart when it comes out lovely.
I had to pop to the petrol station this morning. I go to the same garage all the time because you don't have to go inside they have a window with a slide box. So I tend to go there just because I don't need to go inside.
I went for a little drive just to give the van a run. When I got back Amber was just getting up. What's for breakfast? I asked ‘how about a good morning first’. Stroppy teenager syndrome this morning lol!!
I made Amber some breakfast she asked for a sausage and egg sandwich. I couldn't resist so I had to do one for myself as well lol! I think I've put half a stone on since the lockdown started. Michelle had to have one as well. This was 1 pm though. After lunch or breakfast if you are Amber.
After lunch I got all the veggies prepped for dinner. Michelle asked if we could do her physio on the bed today. Sometimes it’s better for her to be lying down, its less strain on her arms and legs plus you can get better legs stretches when she's lying flat.
When we finished doing the physio we got straight in to the shower. By the time we got finished it was about 4.30. Then Michelle had lie down for an hour while I got the dinner ready, I did ask Amber if she wanted to help. I did hear a grunt, something about snap chat. Lol!
Pork came out really well, I normally make the gravy from all the juices from the pork. I put onions and stock in with it and make the gravy from that. Today my blender wouldn't switch on so I thought I would use the nutriBullit. Stupid mistake bloody thing exploded 5 minutes before I was dishing up. Went bloody everywhere walls ceiling cupboards the lot. I called Amber down to clean it all up lazy cow wasn't getting out of this one... Was a mess though full on clean-up operation lol!!.
After dinner, which was really late for us on a Sunday I think it was about 7, Michelle and Amber were putting some face packs on. It was quite funny, they looked like they were wearing gimp masks. I needed a lay on the sofa....
Day 37
Today I'm going over to my dad's to do some bits for him. I also had a dinner for him saved from Sunday. I got Amber up at 9.30 to start off her school day. I t was nice this morning, all her teachers had put a video together for the kids. Tik Tok of all the teachers in their pyjamas then in their work outfits was done really well. I think Amber was really impressed.
I had a quick shower then got ready to go over to my dad's. It's about a 20 minute drive. Noticed it’s really busy out there lots more people about. Drove past Homebase and the car park was full of cars bloody crazy..
Got to my dad's at about 12.30. My dad's been a bit out of sorts this week so I think he was pleased to see me. I did a bit of hoovering and tidy for him and a few other bits and pieces. My younger brother was complaining that his lap top kept turning off simple fix. Bless him had his screen timer set to 2 minutes.
I finished at my dad's about 3pm then headed back home.. Amber was doing the house work. She’s a good girl does a proper job as well.
Michelle asked if she could have a lie down, we did her physio as well at the same time. I had half hour on the bed while we were at it, watched the news for a bit. Captain Tom was on the news, amazing what that old fella has done raising all that money for the NHS.
Michelle told me what she wanted for dinner lol!! We're having salmon. I did it with a nice bit of rice & dark soy sauce. After dinner we had a phone call from our eldest daughter Leah, we had a good chat with her. Michelle and Amber are doing some face cleansing this evening. Think I’m gonna hit the sofa...
Day 39
Today we were both up early I did not have loads planned for today. I am going to have an easy day, especially since yesterday was so busy. We both had our breakfast. Michelle did ask me what I had planned with a little snigger in her voice lol!!
We got Amber up so she could get stuck in to her homework. She's doing really well with her homework making real effort to get it all done. Michelle was in the garden talking to one of her friends on the phone. Amber asked if I would help with a bit of homework, it was a music project about reggae. Not that I know a lot about reggae but I did my best though.
By the time we got that done it was 1pm. We had some toasted sandwiches for lunch. After lunch Michelle was feeling a bit uncomfortable and asked if she could have lie down. We did some physio for a little while. Michelle asked me to do after what I was doing. As I was only putting some washing on I said I would that come and have a lie down and watch a film. Good idea as it turns out, a lazy afternoon in bed watching a film.
Although we did disagree on what to watch. But she won in the end lol! By the Time we watched the film. It was 4 o'clock. Amber was asking what's for dinner. She decided she was going to cook her own dinner. I did ask if she was going to cook ours as well, she just laughed. I made a stir fry for dinner for me and Michelle, quick and easy. I think the girls are going to have a game of words with friends online tonight. I'm going to catch up on
Day 38
Today's been a busy Sunday we got up at 8.30 am Michelle guessed the time right again. We had some breakfast, marmite on toast. After breakfast I put a nice bit of pork in to the oven. I am going cook it all day, then it just falls apart when it comes out lovely.
I had to pop to the petrol station this morning. I go to the same garage all the time because you don't have to go inside they have a window with a slide box. So I tend to go there just because I don't need to go inside.
I went for a little drive just to give the van a run. When I got back Amber was just getting up. What's for breakfast? I asked ‘how about a good morning first’. Stroppy teenager syndrome this morning lol!!
I made Amber some breakfast she asked for a sausage and egg sandwich. I couldn't resist so I had to do one for myself as well lol! I think I've put half a stone on since the lockdown started. Michelle had to have one as well. This was 1 pm though. After lunch or breakfast if you are Amber.
After lunch I got all the veggies prepped for dinner. Michelle asked if we could do her physio on the bed today. Sometimes it’s better for her to be lying down, its less strain on her arms and legs plus you can get better legs stretches when she's lying flat.
When we finished doing the physio we got straight in to the shower. By the time we got finished it was about 4.30. Then Michelle had lie down for an hour while I got the dinner ready, I did ask Amber if she wanted to help. I did hear a grunt, something about snap chat. Lol!
Pork came out really well, I normally make the gravy from all the juices from the pork. I put onions and stock in with it and make the gravy from that. Today my blender wouldn't switch on so I thought I would use the nutriBullit. Stupid mistake bloody thing exploded 5 minutes before I was dishing up. Went bloody everywhere walls ceiling cupboards the lot. I called Amber down to clean it all up lazy cow wasn't getting out of this one... Was a mess though full on clean-up operation lol!!.
After dinner, which was really late for us on a Sunday I think it was about 7, Michelle and Amber were putting some face packs on. It was quite funny, they looked like they were wearing gimp masks. I needed a lay on the sofa....
Day 37
Today we had a lie in till 9am. Breakfast today was the ‘egg and bacon sandwich’ morning special. Although Michelle just had bacon.
I had a few little jobs to do today, we've got a holly tree in the back garden and it's dropping its leaves. So first job was to rake up all of the leaves. Michelle was obviously making sure I didn't miss any.
Amber didn't get up until 12.30pm then decided to make eggy bread for all of us. She said it was breakfast, we called it lunch! It's been lovely most of the day so Michelle was topping her tan up until about mid-afternoon. Then she was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable in her wheelchair and asked if she could have a lie down for a couple of hours. I think she was feeling a bit fatigued as well.
While Michelle was having a lie down I asked Amber if she wanted make the dinner with me. Plus I thought it would get her off her phone for an hour lol!
My mum had dropped a few bags of shopping round this morning. There was some minced lamb, so we set about making some lamb burgers. Amber doing all the mixing. Think she was enjoying herself. Got everything prepped.
Got Michelle up while the burgers were cooking. She said they smelt lovely cooking in the oven. They came out really well. After dinner a friend of ours had set up a quiz night over a zoom meeting. Honestly we haven't laughed so much in a long time. We didn’t come last either which was a relief. Amber kept shouting at us to keep the noise down Lol!! Quiz finished about 9, a good bit of fun had by all..
Day 36
I had a few little jobs to do today, we've got a holly tree in the back garden and it's dropping its leaves. So first job was to rake up all of the leaves. Michelle was obviously making sure I didn't miss any.
Amber didn't get up until 12.30pm then decided to make eggy bread for all of us. She said it was breakfast, we called it lunch! It's been lovely most of the day so Michelle was topping her tan up until about mid-afternoon. Then she was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable in her wheelchair and asked if she could have a lie down for a couple of hours. I think she was feeling a bit fatigued as well.
While Michelle was having a lie down I asked Amber if she wanted make the dinner with me. Plus I thought it would get her off her phone for an hour lol!
My mum had dropped a few bags of shopping round this morning. There was some minced lamb, so we set about making some lamb burgers. Amber doing all the mixing. Think she was enjoying herself. Got everything prepped.
Got Michelle up while the burgers were cooking. She said they smelt lovely cooking in the oven. They came out really well. After dinner a friend of ours had set up a quiz night over a zoom meeting. Honestly we haven't laughed so much in a long time. We didn’t come last either which was a relief. Amber kept shouting at us to keep the noise down Lol!! Quiz finished about 9, a good bit of fun had by all..
Day 36
Today has been a lazy day, up at 8am then we had breakfast. Michelle asked me what my plans were lol!! Obviously she had her own plans for me. Nothing strenuous today, we've got a load of paper work that needed sorting out. So I set about going through it all. Just been letting it build up since the lock down. Nothing exciting in there.
Amber was doing her maths homework, her maths has improved loads since she's been doing it at home. Michelle and I have been helping her and she's been emailing her teachers as well asking for their help. We've had Heart Radio on all week, trying to win the big cash prizes they've been giving away. It’s quite funny Amber gets really excited when the song gets played then runs around looking for her phone lol! Needless to say we've not won (yet) still got next week.
The CBD that was given to us has helped Michelle loads has really made a difference
with the stiffness in her legs. This afternoon we went for a shower. Michelle wasn't happy because I had the door open trying to listen to the radio for the Spice Girls to come on for the phone in on Heart Radio. Although we were not doing too much the day seemed to go by really quickly. Michelle had a lie down after the shower, it really wore her out.
I was chatting to friend of mine yesterday, talking about foods that we haven't had since the lock down started. I said I haven't had steak. So about 3pm this afternoon there's a knock on the door. Open the door there's a bag of steaks and some mushrooms that had been left on the door mat. My mate waving at me as he drives off.
Well I don't think I've ever got that excited about steak before lol! I'm shouting to the girls we got steak and mushrooms. Funny I got an 8 pack of Richmond pork sausages out the freezer this morning, so a steak dinner was really nice this evening. Its Amber’s favorite meat as well so she was happy.
Not doing much tonight Michelle's playing Scrabble with Amber on their ‘words with friends’ app, meanwhile I'm on catching up with a few games...
Day 35
Amber was doing her maths homework, her maths has improved loads since she's been doing it at home. Michelle and I have been helping her and she's been emailing her teachers as well asking for their help. We've had Heart Radio on all week, trying to win the big cash prizes they've been giving away. It’s quite funny Amber gets really excited when the song gets played then runs around looking for her phone lol! Needless to say we've not won (yet) still got next week.
The CBD that was given to us has helped Michelle loads has really made a difference
with the stiffness in her legs. This afternoon we went for a shower. Michelle wasn't happy because I had the door open trying to listen to the radio for the Spice Girls to come on for the phone in on Heart Radio. Although we were not doing too much the day seemed to go by really quickly. Michelle had a lie down after the shower, it really wore her out.
I was chatting to friend of mine yesterday, talking about foods that we haven't had since the lock down started. I said I haven't had steak. So about 3pm this afternoon there's a knock on the door. Open the door there's a bag of steaks and some mushrooms that had been left on the door mat. My mate waving at me as he drives off.
Well I don't think I've ever got that excited about steak before lol! I'm shouting to the girls we got steak and mushrooms. Funny I got an 8 pack of Richmond pork sausages out the freezer this morning, so a steak dinner was really nice this evening. Its Amber’s favorite meat as well so she was happy.
Not doing much tonight Michelle's playing Scrabble with Amber on their ‘words with friends’ app, meanwhile I'm on catching up with a few games...
Day 35
Today’s been a productive day, Michelle woke me up at 5.30am asking the time. I said it was too early to get up. We both had another hour of sleep then we were up. I mentioned a few days ago about the leaky toilet down stairs. I didn't manage to fix it, I needed to get to a hardware store for some parts. Which obviously I can't do at the moment.
So Michelle's had the great idea to turn the downstairs toilet in to a storage cupboard, so after breakfast I set about taking the toilet out. We had it fitted before they put the lift in the house because Michelle wasn't able to get up the stairs. We were both sleeping down stairs at the time, we did that for about 18 months. When I think back things were really difficult for us then.
Anyway got my orders get rid of the toilet. We need the storage space so I wasn't arguing. In between all this going on, Amber's been moaning that the laptops not working so she can't do her homework. Yeah I thought she was on a wind up. But she wasn't – typical. She's been getting stuck in to her home work as well... So after getting the toilet out and getting everything put in the new cupboard. Under constant supervision lol!!
We all sat down for some lunch, after lunch Amber was watching a film and Michelle was making some calls to friends. I'm trying to fix the laptop, I know absolutely nothing about how to fix computers. Michelle’s telling me to bang it lol! I called a friend of mine who's a programmer he told me to take the battery out. Then with the battery out press the power button. This apparently discharges all power which gets caught in the ram. Then put the battery back in. Should work. Bloody did as well.
One happy dad and daughter. By this time Michelle was feeling a bit tired so I put her to bed for a couple hours rest. Prepped some dinner fajitas nice and easy. This evening we all clapped for the NHS. Lovely to see all the neighbours outside clapping. We'll the hole Street was out clapping...we're all gonna watch a film - a horror film if Amber gets her way..
Day 34
So Michelle's had the great idea to turn the downstairs toilet in to a storage cupboard, so after breakfast I set about taking the toilet out. We had it fitted before they put the lift in the house because Michelle wasn't able to get up the stairs. We were both sleeping down stairs at the time, we did that for about 18 months. When I think back things were really difficult for us then.
Anyway got my orders get rid of the toilet. We need the storage space so I wasn't arguing. In between all this going on, Amber's been moaning that the laptops not working so she can't do her homework. Yeah I thought she was on a wind up. But she wasn't – typical. She's been getting stuck in to her home work as well... So after getting the toilet out and getting everything put in the new cupboard. Under constant supervision lol!!
We all sat down for some lunch, after lunch Amber was watching a film and Michelle was making some calls to friends. I'm trying to fix the laptop, I know absolutely nothing about how to fix computers. Michelle’s telling me to bang it lol! I called a friend of mine who's a programmer he told me to take the battery out. Then with the battery out press the power button. This apparently discharges all power which gets caught in the ram. Then put the battery back in. Should work. Bloody did as well.
One happy dad and daughter. By this time Michelle was feeling a bit tired so I put her to bed for a couple hours rest. Prepped some dinner fajitas nice and easy. This evening we all clapped for the NHS. Lovely to see all the neighbours outside clapping. We'll the hole Street was out clapping...we're all gonna watch a film - a horror film if Amber gets her way..
Day 34
Today’s been a good day. We woke up early 7am neither of us got the time right. Michelle told me straight away how hungry she was, then we discussed what we might have for breakfast. Whilst I was getting up this morning I fancied something different, so went for the porridge for a change. Michelle just had the usual.
We shouted to Amber to wake up at 9.30, she came down stairs moaning about the cat crying at her window at 3am in the morning to be let in. I told her a while ago if she lets him in at her window he will do it all time. Drives her mad lol!
After breakfast Michelle asked me what my plans were lol! When it's wet outside you can't go out in the garden so I try to keep busy around the house. There are still a Few different odd jobs to do.
Amber's been in playful mood today which is nice so I've been getting hassled all day by her. The CBD that was given to Michelle seems to be helping loads with her pins and needles in her feet and her legs are definitely looser to move around which nice for her. Just for Michelle to be a little bit more comfortable is great.
Amber watched a film this afternoon after she finished her homework. She loves horror films. Michelle and I went up for a shower. Afterwards Michelle had a lay down for an hour while I set about making dinner. I made us all salmon and rice with a twist. Lol!
Michelle was feeling quiet fatigued after dinner. Its crazy how worn out she can get just from the effort she has to put to eat her dinner. We watched a bit of news for an hour and Michelle asked if I would put her to bed. She did look tired bless her.
Amber was tiding the kitchen for me. She does a better job than me. Then moans at me when I mess it up lol! Going to catch up with a few mates on an online group chat tonight see how everyone's getting on with the lock down
Day 33
Today’s been a much better day for Michelle. She was joking with me about what the time it was when we woke up. We had our usual weekday light breakfast to start the day.
Today I woke Amber up at 9.30 so she could get on with her school work. She’s doing really well with getting her homework done. But she did tell me off this morning for nagging her!
What I normally do is log her on, so when she's had her breakfast she's all ready to go. “We'll her stupid dad” has been logging her in to his account so when she's been completing her homework it's not been getting sent to her teachers. She's not happy with me... oops
I had to go over to my dad's today, I go over once a week and care for him change some dressings for him on his legs. Then I have a tidy up and do a few little bits to help him out. Plus I need to make myself scarce this morning as Michelle was obviously siding with Amber over the homework so I made a quick exit.
I noticed on the way over to dads that they had a new COVID19 test facility set up at Twickenham Rugby ground. It was busy as well with lots of people driving in. I don't know if it was for key workers or just for Joe Public.?
I spent a few hours at my dad's, got back home about 4pm. When I got home our eldest daughter Leah was parked up outside talking to Michelle and Amber out of the car window. Social distancing I hastened to add. She isn't staying with us at the moment. She's staying with friends. She's 19 so she made the decision to stay somewhere else when we went it to lock down. Probably for the best really. Was nice to see her though. I made a lovely chorizo pasta for dinner Amber and Michelle are going to watch rocket man tonight I'm having a bit of chess.Com
Day 32
We shouted to Amber to wake up at 9.30, she came down stairs moaning about the cat crying at her window at 3am in the morning to be let in. I told her a while ago if she lets him in at her window he will do it all time. Drives her mad lol!
After breakfast Michelle asked me what my plans were lol! When it's wet outside you can't go out in the garden so I try to keep busy around the house. There are still a Few different odd jobs to do.
Amber's been in playful mood today which is nice so I've been getting hassled all day by her. The CBD that was given to Michelle seems to be helping loads with her pins and needles in her feet and her legs are definitely looser to move around which nice for her. Just for Michelle to be a little bit more comfortable is great.
Amber watched a film this afternoon after she finished her homework. She loves horror films. Michelle and I went up for a shower. Afterwards Michelle had a lay down for an hour while I set about making dinner. I made us all salmon and rice with a twist. Lol!
Michelle was feeling quiet fatigued after dinner. Its crazy how worn out she can get just from the effort she has to put to eat her dinner. We watched a bit of news for an hour and Michelle asked if I would put her to bed. She did look tired bless her.
Amber was tiding the kitchen for me. She does a better job than me. Then moans at me when I mess it up lol! Going to catch up with a few mates on an online group chat tonight see how everyone's getting on with the lock down
Day 33
Today’s been a much better day for Michelle. She was joking with me about what the time it was when we woke up. We had our usual weekday light breakfast to start the day.
Today I woke Amber up at 9.30 so she could get on with her school work. She’s doing really well with getting her homework done. But she did tell me off this morning for nagging her!
What I normally do is log her on, so when she's had her breakfast she's all ready to go. “We'll her stupid dad” has been logging her in to his account so when she's been completing her homework it's not been getting sent to her teachers. She's not happy with me... oops
I had to go over to my dad's today, I go over once a week and care for him change some dressings for him on his legs. Then I have a tidy up and do a few little bits to help him out. Plus I need to make myself scarce this morning as Michelle was obviously siding with Amber over the homework so I made a quick exit.
I noticed on the way over to dads that they had a new COVID19 test facility set up at Twickenham Rugby ground. It was busy as well with lots of people driving in. I don't know if it was for key workers or just for Joe Public.?
I spent a few hours at my dad's, got back home about 4pm. When I got home our eldest daughter Leah was parked up outside talking to Michelle and Amber out of the car window. Social distancing I hastened to add. She isn't staying with us at the moment. She's staying with friends. She's 19 so she made the decision to stay somewhere else when we went it to lock down. Probably for the best really. Was nice to see her though. I made a lovely chorizo pasta for dinner Amber and Michelle are going to watch rocket man tonight I'm having a bit of chess.Com
Day 32
Today’s been a bit of a funny day, we were up early at 7.30am, and then I made us both some breakfast. Nothing special, just the normal toast and jam. After breakfast. Michelle said she felt a little bit fed up.
Sometimes she has really down days. Today's been one of those days. So I try to make a sure I'm sensitive to her needs on days like these. But then I find myself feeding off Michelle and we both end up being a bit ratty with each other.
So that's how it's been today, I made myself busy hoovering the whole house from top to bottom. Keeping out the way lol! Then mopped all the floors. I know this might sound a bit silly but I think it cheers Michelle up when I do the cleaning. Way to a women's heart do the cleaning lol!
By the Time I’d finished Amber was up talking to Michelle about her dream. Something about sprites coming when the clock says 11 minutes past the hour. After lunch I spoke to Michelle about how she was feeling and she said she was feeling a bit better. She had spoken to a couple of her girlfriends and her brother who lives in Spain. He sent Michelle a load of photos of his 2 young children playing in the street. It was their first time out since the lock down.
This cheered Michelle up loads, she must have been feeling better because she was moaning at me about always forgetting to get dinner out the freezer in the morning. I did have a backup chicken in the fridge though. I did a “spatchcock chicken” with piri-piri which went down really well. We're going for a shower this evening which always raises a few laughs. It’s that hoist we always say the neighbours must think we have. What with the lift and the hoist it must sound like a building site lol!
Day 31
Sometimes she has really down days. Today's been one of those days. So I try to make a sure I'm sensitive to her needs on days like these. But then I find myself feeding off Michelle and we both end up being a bit ratty with each other.
So that's how it's been today, I made myself busy hoovering the whole house from top to bottom. Keeping out the way lol! Then mopped all the floors. I know this might sound a bit silly but I think it cheers Michelle up when I do the cleaning. Way to a women's heart do the cleaning lol!
By the Time I’d finished Amber was up talking to Michelle about her dream. Something about sprites coming when the clock says 11 minutes past the hour. After lunch I spoke to Michelle about how she was feeling and she said she was feeling a bit better. She had spoken to a couple of her girlfriends and her brother who lives in Spain. He sent Michelle a load of photos of his 2 young children playing in the street. It was their first time out since the lock down.
This cheered Michelle up loads, she must have been feeling better because she was moaning at me about always forgetting to get dinner out the freezer in the morning. I did have a backup chicken in the fridge though. I did a “spatchcock chicken” with piri-piri which went down really well. We're going for a shower this evening which always raises a few laughs. It’s that hoist we always say the neighbours must think we have. What with the lift and the hoist it must sound like a building site lol!
Day 31
Today was a typical Sunday we didn't get up until 10am, Michelle was still asleep when I woke up, so I had a quick look at the time then made out I was asleep. I gave her a little nudge to wake up and asked what time she thought it was lol!! If I'm honest I would of liked to of been up a bit earlier.
Anyway I got Michelle up. We had a hoist fitted in the bedroom about 6 months ago, up until then we had a manual one which was like having a crane in the bedroom. The new electric one is fitted to the ceiling nice.
Obviously we were under strict orders not to wake Amber up. I found myself rushing around this morning. Had to get the lamb in the slow cooker while I started chopping the onions. Michelle starts laughing saying is there any chance of breakfast before you do the dinner. Lol! When the wife speaks I tend to listen.
After getting everything sorted we both went out to the garden to sunbathe. Michelle was on her phone catching up with some friends. I was playing a bit of chess.Com then Amber finally made an appearance at about 1pm. She likes to share her dreams with us when she gets up. Last nights was about her being in a haunted house lol!!
Our neighbours shouted over the fence that they were arranging to go outside and have a chat and a few drinks this evening in their front gardens and asked if we wanted to join them. I told Michelle I didn't think it was a good idea, she agreed with me.
We all sat down for dinner at about 6pm, slow cooked roast lamb with baked pears and cauliflower along with it. It was really nice, even if I say it myself
We could hear our neighbours out in the street when I was putting Michelle to bed, she asked me go and have a look and see if they were all social distancing. I laughed and said they are all drinking there forget about it. I did actually have a look and they were all behaving which was nice to see.....
Day 30
The girls ordered some hair dye in the week. Amber blue. Michelle purple. Amber’s didn't arrive yet, so we did Michelle's for her - a joint effort from me and Amber. Honestly it was hilarious trying to get Michelle to put her head back in the chair.
It was really difficult because of the MS Michelle gets vertigo when her head goes too far back. So Amber was trying to hold her head while in was plastering on the hair dye all the while Michelle telling me to “hurry up I'm feeling sick”.
I suppose you had to be there to fully appreciate it but it was funny. It actually all came out alright, maybe a change of career lol!
My mum dropped us all the ingredients round this morning for a lovely roast lamb dinner for Sunday, she has started doing this every weekend - bless her. I’ll be cooking that Sunday. This evening has been really chilled out its Amber's friend’s birthday today so she's been on the phone with her friends, they are having some sort of online Birthday party.
I did some physio for Michelle while watching a bit of TV. Michelle even told me how pleased she is with her new hair colour. Man of many talents lol!!!
Day 29
Anyway I got Michelle up. We had a hoist fitted in the bedroom about 6 months ago, up until then we had a manual one which was like having a crane in the bedroom. The new electric one is fitted to the ceiling nice.
Obviously we were under strict orders not to wake Amber up. I found myself rushing around this morning. Had to get the lamb in the slow cooker while I started chopping the onions. Michelle starts laughing saying is there any chance of breakfast before you do the dinner. Lol! When the wife speaks I tend to listen.
After getting everything sorted we both went out to the garden to sunbathe. Michelle was on her phone catching up with some friends. I was playing a bit of chess.Com then Amber finally made an appearance at about 1pm. She likes to share her dreams with us when she gets up. Last nights was about her being in a haunted house lol!!
Our neighbours shouted over the fence that they were arranging to go outside and have a chat and a few drinks this evening in their front gardens and asked if we wanted to join them. I told Michelle I didn't think it was a good idea, she agreed with me.
We all sat down for dinner at about 6pm, slow cooked roast lamb with baked pears and cauliflower along with it. It was really nice, even if I say it myself
We could hear our neighbours out in the street when I was putting Michelle to bed, she asked me go and have a look and see if they were all social distancing. I laughed and said they are all drinking there forget about it. I did actually have a look and they were all behaving which was nice to see.....
Day 30
Today started really well for me this morning. I guessed the time right –finally. On Saturday’s me and Michelle like to have an Egg and bacon sandwich for breakfast. I would normally go to the baker’s and buy a nice fresh baked loaf with poppy seeds all over it - lovely. Funny how you miss the little things. We still both enjoyed it though. Amber gave us strict instructions not to wake her up today, she reckons the weekends are for having a lie in. If only lol!!
The girls ordered some hair dye in the week. Amber blue. Michelle purple. Amber’s didn't arrive yet, so we did Michelle's for her - a joint effort from me and Amber. Honestly it was hilarious trying to get Michelle to put her head back in the chair.
It was really difficult because of the MS Michelle gets vertigo when her head goes too far back. So Amber was trying to hold her head while in was plastering on the hair dye all the while Michelle telling me to “hurry up I'm feeling sick”.
I suppose you had to be there to fully appreciate it but it was funny. It actually all came out alright, maybe a change of career lol!
My mum dropped us all the ingredients round this morning for a lovely roast lamb dinner for Sunday, she has started doing this every weekend - bless her. I’ll be cooking that Sunday. This evening has been really chilled out its Amber's friend’s birthday today so she's been on the phone with her friends, they are having some sort of online Birthday party.
I did some physio for Michelle while watching a bit of TV. Michelle even told me how pleased she is with her new hair colour. Man of many talents lol!!!
Day 29
Up early this morning cat woke us up at 6.30am wanting a fuss and guess what Michelle got the bloody time right again. Reckon she's a secret watch stashed somewhere lol!!. We had a bit of breakfast - nothing special.
Michelle had some prescriptions that needed picking up from the chemist. My mum gave us a number of a lovely lady who's a volunteer, she goes round picking up prescriptions for vulnerable people who can't get out. How nice is that.. her name is Kym (thought I’d give her a shout out).
We got Amber up early so she could get stuck in to her maths homework. I can't believe she sat down for four hours and done it all. She's not great at maths. I think she prefers not to ask for help in class. So she's been emailing the teachers and asking them for help after class. I guess all the teachers are at home bored as well. So she's had a bit off one on one tuition.
The CBD that was given to us, by Pharmstrong is starting to work really well. Michelle’s not had any pins and needles in her feet again today. Also when I was doing her exercises her legs were really relaxed she even commented to me how relaxed her legs were. Really big chance in only 3 days
We spent most of the day lazing in the garden. Michelle was still moaning about our neighbour having people round lol!! I cooked us a nice spag bol for dinner Amber's favourite. Michelle was feeling tired just after dinner. Not surprising considering what time the cat got us up. She asked me if I would put her to bed. Think she is going to watch yesterday, it's a movie about everyone forgetting all the songs the Beatles wrote. I've got same to catch up on tonight. See if my luck can improve...
Woke up about 8 today me and Michelle always play a little game in the morning. Who can guess what time it is? This week Michelle has got it right about 4 times. Its bloody killing me! After that we went and had a bit of breakfast.
Amber was doing her maths home work. But she was getting really frustrated. She's not great at maths, so I sat down with her for a couple hours and did my best to try to help her out. But if I'm honest it was a bit like the blind leading the blind lol! But we got there in the end.
It's been a beautiful day today loads of sunshine, so when we finished maths we all went out in the garden to catch some rays. I did some stretching exercises for Michelle in the garden. Michelle has really noticed the difference over the last few day, she hasn't had the pins and needles in her feet and she feels a lot more relaxed which is great.
We all chilled in the sun for the afternoon in the garden. Michelle was getting a bit annoyed because our next door neighbours had people come round and they were all in the garden. No social distancing going on I'm afraid. Michelle wasn't happy, I can't say I was that impressed either to be honest.
Seeing the weather was so nice we decided to all have dinner in the garden. I cooked up a nice omelette and some grilled tomatoes. Then we had to listen to Amber's singing for half hour after dinner lol!! Which was great. Don't think she's gonna make me rich though. Amber helped me tidy up all the dinner plates. She’s a good girl she don't mind helping her dad out. Michelle and Amber are going to watch Edward scissors hands tonight I'm going try to sort out the bloody toilet...
Day 26
A couple of days ago I got a call from the guys over at Pharmstrong who had been shown our blog by another person. One of the Directors in America had heard that Michelle couldn’t get CBD due to finance pressures from Coronavirus. He offered to send us some CBD capsules, Tinctures and Balm….wow.
Anyway this morning, after I got Amber settled on her school work, I headed over to see the UK guy from Pharmstrong to pick up the CBD for Michelle. On the way home I went via Old Deer Park in Richmond it was so peaceful I decided to take a 5 mins stop to take in the greenery. Bliss, no one else anywhere near me, peace.
When I got home I gave Michelle her first CBD capsule, then sat down with Amber to read an extract from George Orwell’s 1984. It was all about ‘Big Brother’ in an imaginary war set in London. I have never read 1984 before so it is all a bit weird launching into the extract they chose. It was all about people not being allowed out of their homes and all the soldiers patrolling the streets wearing masks. Quite freaky how similar that is to London today.
After lunch Michelle was in the garden looking very relaxed and chilled, she is a bit of a sun worshiper after all… She did say to me that she felt good from the CBD but was worried it might just be a placebo effect. Fingers crossed hey….
As for me, I spent an hour sitting down in the garden speaking to a couple of my work mates and catching up on All a bit depressing really on as I am having a bit of a losing streak. Ah well can’t have it all go my way had been on a winning streak for ages. HMMM.
I had a load of spare spuds left over, so this morning I decided to peel ‘em all and then mash them up. We all like a nice bit of mash with butter. So I made a whole big batch of them and stuck ‘em into the freezer.
Amber got on and did some of her home work today, I had a little reminder pop up on my phone from her school app to say she had done it. She’s a good girl. Today is the last day of her Easter holiday, though it hardly feels like it. She has been a real little star and did a great job spring cleaning in the box room. Looks really good in there now, thanks Amber.
Today a few things really got to Michelle around my oldest daughter. She hasn’t been staying with us during lockdown but she has announced to Michelle that she is going to stay with her boyfriend. I told Michelle not to worry about it.
For lunch we had our Sunday Roast, nice roast chicken, roast potatoes, baked broccoli with olive oil and salt. Everyone cleared their plates. I try to do a roast every Sunday the girls realty appreciate it. But by the time Michelle had finished the roast chicken everything in the world was good again.
Michelle was really tired this today so she went to bed early at around 7pm to get a good night’s sleep. Hopefully the pillow works its magic again.
Q: What are you thinking about doing next?
I am going starting to decorating the utility room and it doing up nicely. It is time for it to get a good general spring clean.
Q: Do you relish doing things that you never done before?
I like challenges and putting my hand to most things. I have even done an extension to my own house, so new things don’t worry me at all.
It doesn’t really bother me to take on large projects, just round the back of Harrods there is a Mews project I took on years ago. I did all of the brick work from the ground up, sometimes if I am in the area I take a quick detour past it to have a look.
Q: How do you feel when you see all the negativity about COVID19?
I just get on with what is happening and ignore other people’s negativity. I focus on looking after keeping my loved ones safe. I don’t even know what to say about the people in Jacksonville in America, out on the beach as if it was just another summer’s day.
Q: How do you feel about being told to stay home?
I am not bothered in the slightest, I am absolutely fine I even secretly enjoy all the time at home with my girls. The only downside is the impact it will have on the economy.
Q: How do you feel about the Governments narrative on COVID19?
I know they are being led by the science but the news stories seem to keep going on about lack of PPE in the NHS. Personally all the times I have seen NHS staff they have had full PPE and even spares to give to Michelle. Even when I talk to my father and brother they tell me their careers always turn up in full PPE. I am sure there are some place with shortages but I haven’t seen it for myself yet.
Day 22
I guess if I am honest that I was a bit more apprehensive about it all than Michelle was, even though this was Michelle’s first time out of the house since before Christmas. We took the scenic route on the way to hospital so Michelle could get her first look of what it is like out there under lockdown.
When I pulled up at the hospital I saw 2 ambulances parked next to the disabled parking spaces. I was a bit scared to see the ambulances so I decided to call the Doctor and let her know we had arrived. She came outside to meet us and take Michelle straight in to the treatment room.
I waited outside and let them get on with things, when Michelle was brought back out she was telling me about how the 2 nurses topped up her “Pump“ wearing their masks, gowns & gloves etc. It was very reassuring that at least at this hospital they all had full PPE.
We drove back a different route along Sheen High Street so that Michelle could see the people were queuing outside shops. Michelle even commented that some of them were not keeping their 2 meter social distancing!
Amber had stayed at home so that she could receive our first supermarket food delivery since lockdown. We had actually waited for 4 weeks to get the delivery slot which was limited to just 80 items. We are still waiting to get put on the special “high risk” category for delivery so we have to compete with everyone else to get a delivery slot.
When we got home Amber had put the freezer stuff away so I cleaned off all the other items and put them away in the cupboards. We all then went outside to have some nice sandwiches in the garden for lunch. The sun was out we all just chilled in the garden for the rest of the afternoon.
Amber was having a lot of fun doing “Tik Tok” videos. Meanwhile Michelle and I used the time to do some stretches & physio exercises.
I spent most of the day in the garden just lazing around, I am so grateful that we have the garden. We played a few garden games and enjoyed listening to some music. Then in the evening we had a great barbecue, which was really nice and made a change to slaving away in the kitchen for dinner. After the barbecue I put Michelle to bed. Then we all went our separate ways!!
Day 18
When Michelle was comfortable, we got Amber up and the 3 of us spent most of the day laying in the back garden enjoying the sun. We all listened to music and managed to relax & chill out.
Despite the painful start for Michelle, this has been our best day so far in lock down. To top it all off we had another food parcel left on out porch, which was really nice. I am not sure who all of these people that are leaving us food parcels but we are so grateful for your kindness.
I spent some of the day making phone calls to friends and family and had a good old catch up with people. Michelle was exhausted by everything, so she went to bed early. She often gets bad aches from being in her wheelchair all day, so the physio to stretch and get the blood flowing is really important for her. After Michelle had gone to bed, I ended the day watching Netflix with Amber on the sofa..
But we did have some upsetting news today, the daughter of Michelle's best friend tried to take her own life. This left Michelle feeling very sad because she couldn't be there for her friend at such a difficult time to support her. The good news is that her friend’s daughter is fine and she's being monitored closely.
On a lighter note I spoke with my accountant today and he informed me how much I should be getting by way of financial support from the government. He will also be preparing my tax return ASAP which is such a big relief for me. The bad news is that the payment from the government won't be until the end of June.
I had a good day today, I made a number of phone calls and reached out to people. I especially enjoyed the call to my friend’s parents, Pat and Keith.
Like me, Keith, is also in the high risk category. So we ended up chatting for an hour, which really cheered Keith & Pat up. Talking to Keith made me feel good as well, it sometimes really helps to be able to talk to someone else in a similar position.
I also received a phone call from Roger’s mum. Her neighbour had a food parcel delivered that she didn't want and asked if we would like it. Later in the day the food parcel was left on our porch shelf. This was such a nice gesture and really appreciated, it cheered me up for a second time in one day!
Multiple miracles can happen in one day, for the first time since our lock down Amber got on with her homework without being prompted. So proud of Amber, another achievement which made me smile yet again. In light of all this, today has been my best day of lockdown so far.
Day 14
Day 10
Michelle had some prescriptions that needed picking up from the chemist. My mum gave us a number of a lovely lady who's a volunteer, she goes round picking up prescriptions for vulnerable people who can't get out. How nice is that.. her name is Kym (thought I’d give her a shout out).
We got Amber up early so she could get stuck in to her maths homework. I can't believe she sat down for four hours and done it all. She's not great at maths. I think she prefers not to ask for help in class. So she's been emailing the teachers and asking them for help after class. I guess all the teachers are at home bored as well. So she's had a bit off one on one tuition.
The CBD that was given to us, by Pharmstrong is starting to work really well. Michelle’s not had any pins and needles in her feet again today. Also when I was doing her exercises her legs were really relaxed she even commented to me how relaxed her legs were. Really big chance in only 3 days
We spent most of the day lazing in the garden. Michelle was still moaning about our neighbour having people round lol!! I cooked us a nice spag bol for dinner Amber's favourite. Michelle was feeling tired just after dinner. Not surprising considering what time the cat got us up. She asked me if I would put her to bed. Think she is going to watch yesterday, it's a movie about everyone forgetting all the songs the Beatles wrote. I've got same to catch up on tonight. See if my luck can improve...
Day 28
Woke up about 8 today me and Michelle always play a little game in the morning. Who can guess what time it is? This week Michelle has got it right about 4 times. Its bloody killing me! After that we went and had a bit of breakfast.
Amber was doing her maths home work. But she was getting really frustrated. She's not great at maths, so I sat down with her for a couple hours and did my best to try to help her out. But if I'm honest it was a bit like the blind leading the blind lol! But we got there in the end.
It's been a beautiful day today loads of sunshine, so when we finished maths we all went out in the garden to catch some rays. I did some stretching exercises for Michelle in the garden. Michelle has really noticed the difference over the last few day, she hasn't had the pins and needles in her feet and she feels a lot more relaxed which is great.
We all chilled in the sun for the afternoon in the garden. Michelle was getting a bit annoyed because our next door neighbours had people come round and they were all in the garden. No social distancing going on I'm afraid. Michelle wasn't happy, I can't say I was that impressed either to be honest.
Seeing the weather was so nice we decided to all have dinner in the garden. I cooked up a nice omelette and some grilled tomatoes. Then we had to listen to Amber's singing for half hour after dinner lol!! Which was great. Don't think she's gonna make me rich though. Amber helped me tidy up all the dinner plates. She’s a good girl she don't mind helping her dad out. Michelle and Amber are going to watch Edward scissors hands tonight I'm going try to sort out the bloody toilet...
Day 26
Michelle woke up with a bit of a crook neck this morning, we tried a few things to ease the discomfort but nothing we tried seemed to work. I think it might be the way she slept on her new memory foam pillow.
Because of the neck problem I made sure Michelle had 2 of the CBD pills and some drops under her tongue today to see if that would help ease things. I also rubbed in some of the CBD balm into the muscles in her neck. This evening I made sure Michelle’s head was in a good comfy position when I put her to bed, fingers crossed she will be OK in the morning.
Back to this morning, I headed over to see my father, he needed me to change the dressings on his legs. While I was there I made him and my brother’s lunch. Great timing as dad had his weekly ASDA food delivery arrive. He gave me a bag of things to take home for me and the girls.
Dad has a lot of pain in both his legs and finds walking hard so he spends most of his time in his comfy chair. Thankfully he still manages to do a bit of cooking , he actually quite enjoys cooking.
I spent some time chatting with my brother who has cerebral palsy, he is quite funny sometimes as he has a wicked sense of humour with a streak of sarcasm.
He has never been able to walk properly, when he was younger he used to wear splints and still had a bit of mobility. Now he loves using his adapted computer, it has some big keys and accessibility options, but it can be a bit frustrating for him as he is only able to type with 1 finger on the keyboard. I’m not much better, I can only manage 2 fingers - 1 on each hand!
Mum always used to look after my brother because his dad had such bad legs. Sadly mum passed away from cancer last year so it’s been a bit more of a challenge for him and dad since then. Not sure what she would have made of all of this Coronavirus situation.
When I got back from dad’s Amber was in the middle of doing a big spring clean in the kitchen. She even cleaned out the cupboards under the sink. Seemed a bit ironic that she lectured me on keeping the kitchen tidy! After the domestic goddess spot she got on with her homework…amazing… she was really good today.
Going to sign off now and have a bit of ‘me’ time on the sofa watching telly and catching up on
Because of the neck problem I made sure Michelle had 2 of the CBD pills and some drops under her tongue today to see if that would help ease things. I also rubbed in some of the CBD balm into the muscles in her neck. This evening I made sure Michelle’s head was in a good comfy position when I put her to bed, fingers crossed she will be OK in the morning.
Back to this morning, I headed over to see my father, he needed me to change the dressings on his legs. While I was there I made him and my brother’s lunch. Great timing as dad had his weekly ASDA food delivery arrive. He gave me a bag of things to take home for me and the girls.
Dad has a lot of pain in both his legs and finds walking hard so he spends most of his time in his comfy chair. Thankfully he still manages to do a bit of cooking , he actually quite enjoys cooking.
I spent some time chatting with my brother who has cerebral palsy, he is quite funny sometimes as he has a wicked sense of humour with a streak of sarcasm.
He has never been able to walk properly, when he was younger he used to wear splints and still had a bit of mobility. Now he loves using his adapted computer, it has some big keys and accessibility options, but it can be a bit frustrating for him as he is only able to type with 1 finger on the keyboard. I’m not much better, I can only manage 2 fingers - 1 on each hand!
Mum always used to look after my brother because his dad had such bad legs. Sadly mum passed away from cancer last year so it’s been a bit more of a challenge for him and dad since then. Not sure what she would have made of all of this Coronavirus situation.
When I got back from dad’s Amber was in the middle of doing a big spring clean in the kitchen. She even cleaned out the cupboards under the sink. Seemed a bit ironic that she lectured me on keeping the kitchen tidy! After the domestic goddess spot she got on with her homework…amazing… she was really good today.
Going to sign off now and have a bit of ‘me’ time on the sofa watching telly and catching up on
Day 25
Got up at today at 7.30 to make breakfast for Michelle and I, after breakfast I set up the computer for Amber so she could get on with her homework. I kind of strong armed and cagouled her with words of encouragement. Must be good at that because she spent 4 hours doing school work….Result
A couple of days ago I got a call from the guys over at Pharmstrong who had been shown our blog by another person. One of the Directors in America had heard that Michelle couldn’t get CBD due to finance pressures from Coronavirus. He offered to send us some CBD capsules, Tinctures and Balm….wow.
Anyway this morning, after I got Amber settled on her school work, I headed over to see the UK guy from Pharmstrong to pick up the CBD for Michelle. On the way home I went via Old Deer Park in Richmond it was so peaceful I decided to take a 5 mins stop to take in the greenery. Bliss, no one else anywhere near me, peace.
When I got home I gave Michelle her first CBD capsule, then sat down with Amber to read an extract from George Orwell’s 1984. It was all about ‘Big Brother’ in an imaginary war set in London. I have never read 1984 before so it is all a bit weird launching into the extract they chose. It was all about people not being allowed out of their homes and all the soldiers patrolling the streets wearing masks. Quite freaky how similar that is to London today.
After lunch Michelle was in the garden looking very relaxed and chilled, she is a bit of a sun worshiper after all… She did say to me that she felt good from the CBD but was worried it might just be a placebo effect. Fingers crossed hey….
As for me, I spent an hour sitting down in the garden speaking to a couple of my work mates and catching up on All a bit depressing really on as I am having a bit of a losing streak. Ah well can’t have it all go my way had been on a winning streak for ages. HMMM.
Day 24
As usual I got up before the alarm, Michelle had been getting some neck ache from her old pillow, so last night was her first night on the new memory phone pillows. Thankfully all was good, no more neck pain, result!
I had a load of spare spuds left over, so this morning I decided to peel ‘em all and then mash them up. We all like a nice bit of mash with butter. So I made a whole big batch of them and stuck ‘em into the freezer.
Amber got on and did some of her home work today, I had a little reminder pop up on my phone from her school app to say she had done it. She’s a good girl. Today is the last day of her Easter holiday, though it hardly feels like it. She has been a real little star and did a great job spring cleaning in the box room. Looks really good in there now, thanks Amber.
Today a few things really got to Michelle around my oldest daughter. She hasn’t been staying with us during lockdown but she has announced to Michelle that she is going to stay with her boyfriend. I told Michelle not to worry about it.
For lunch we had our Sunday Roast, nice roast chicken, roast potatoes, baked broccoli with olive oil and salt. Everyone cleared their plates. I try to do a roast every Sunday the girls realty appreciate it. But by the time Michelle had finished the roast chicken everything in the world was good again.
Michelle was really tired this today so she went to bed early at around 7pm to get a good night’s sleep. Hopefully the pillow works its magic again.
Day 23
Q: What has changed for you in the last week?
I feel like I am in a really good head space and manging all the things life is throwing at me better. Strange as it sounds I feel good because I am making progress.
Q: What are you thinking about doing next?
I am going starting to decorating the utility room and it doing up nicely. It is time for it to get a good general spring clean.
Q: Do you relish doing things that you never done before?
I like challenges and putting my hand to most things. I have even done an extension to my own house, so new things don’t worry me at all.
Q: Do you prefer to take on large or small projects?
It doesn’t really bother me to take on large projects, just round the back of Harrods there is a Mews project I took on years ago. I did all of the brick work from the ground up, sometimes if I am in the area I take a quick detour past it to have a look.
Q: How do you feel when you see all the negativity about COVID19?
I just get on with what is happening and ignore other people’s negativity. I focus on looking after keeping my loved ones safe. I don’t even know what to say about the people in Jacksonville in America, out on the beach as if it was just another summer’s day.
Q: How do you feel about being told to stay home?
I am not bothered in the slightest, I am absolutely fine I even secretly enjoy all the time at home with my girls. The only downside is the impact it will have on the economy.
Q: How do you feel about the Governments narrative on COVID19?
I know they are being led by the science but the news stories seem to keep going on about lack of PPE in the NHS. Personally all the times I have seen NHS staff they have had full PPE and even spares to give to Michelle. Even when I talk to my father and brother they tell me their careers always turn up in full PPE. I am sure there are some place with shortages but I haven’t seen it for myself yet.
Day 22
We had an early start today, Michelle woke in quite a lot of discomfort. Because of her MS she doesn’t really move at all in her sleep, so sometimes she wakes up with pins & needles and a hyper-sensitive stinging sensation in her feet and legs. We spent a bit of time soothing the pain so Michelle could get out of bed and in to her wheelchair.
After we had breakfast I set out on my bike to pick up paperwork from accountant in a nearby town called Ewell. It was pretty deserted out there, I hardly saw anyone except police cars and police vans patrolling high streets and residential areas, very eerie…
When I got back we got Michelle ready for her shower, this is quite complicated. I start off putting her into the hoist and lifting her up into the seat in the wet room/shower. By the time we have done all the preparation, got her out again and then towelled her dry the whole thing has taken about 2 hours. Michelle ends up pretty fatigued by the time it’s over, so definitely not a daily thing….
Amber had a lazy start to the day emerging at 11, Michelle asked her to tidy up her clothes and clean the landing. She did a good job of cleaning then got back in to TikTok. She has been recording some wacky dance moves then sending them back and forth with her school friends, then one of them makes up a video. It’s hilarious.
Michelle has been dealing really well with the Lockdown, she is always really happy in your own space being at home. But for the last 4 weeks she has been loving having the company from Amber and I with her 24 /7.
Because of Michelle’s condition its quite hard for her too do many things. She can just about deal with the TV remote and has been known to somehow munch through bars of chocolate all on her own….. hmmm.
The start of the day is much better for Michelle and she can move around a little bit, but after a few hours she is usually pretty exhausted. Before the lockdown and all the financial issues Michelle started to try some of that CBD stuff. It looked like it might be helping but with me not being able to work we put that on hold. I am hoping to be able to give it a try again in a few months. We are hoping it will stop the pins & needles.
All in all we are in a good place compared to many others, we have each other and we have a positive feeling for the future….
Day 21
After we had breakfast I set out on my bike to pick up paperwork from accountant in a nearby town called Ewell. It was pretty deserted out there, I hardly saw anyone except police cars and police vans patrolling high streets and residential areas, very eerie…
When I got back we got Michelle ready for her shower, this is quite complicated. I start off putting her into the hoist and lifting her up into the seat in the wet room/shower. By the time we have done all the preparation, got her out again and then towelled her dry the whole thing has taken about 2 hours. Michelle ends up pretty fatigued by the time it’s over, so definitely not a daily thing….
Amber had a lazy start to the day emerging at 11, Michelle asked her to tidy up her clothes and clean the landing. She did a good job of cleaning then got back in to TikTok. She has been recording some wacky dance moves then sending them back and forth with her school friends, then one of them makes up a video. It’s hilarious.
Michelle has been dealing really well with the Lockdown, she is always really happy in your own space being at home. But for the last 4 weeks she has been loving having the company from Amber and I with her 24 /7.
Because of Michelle’s condition its quite hard for her too do many things. She can just about deal with the TV remote and has been known to somehow munch through bars of chocolate all on her own….. hmmm.
The start of the day is much better for Michelle and she can move around a little bit, but after a few hours she is usually pretty exhausted. Before the lockdown and all the financial issues Michelle started to try some of that CBD stuff. It looked like it might be helping but with me not being able to work we put that on hold. I am hoping to be able to give it a try again in a few months. We are hoping it will stop the pins & needles.
All in all we are in a good place compared to many others, we have each other and we have a positive feeling for the future….
Day 21
Looking back on today, I didn’t really do very much!
I got up around 8’ish and had light breakfast with Michelle with a nice mug of Yorkshire Tea. After getting Michelle ready for her day I went out in to the garden to capture some sun. Michelle was in her element in the garden, seemed like she spent hours on phone to her mates.
I did Michelle’s physio in the garden today, usually I try to do 10 – 15 mins of muscle stretches if she can take it. Some days it is too painful for her and we have to stop after 5 mins. Before the Coronavirus she had her carers that came in to do these sorts of things for her, but we don’t want to take that risk. She is in such a high risk group, I prefer to do it with her.
I used some quiet time on my iPad to catch up with the chess games I have on the go at Chess is a great escape for me, I’ve been using for about 8 yrs. I can jump in and out whenever I have the time, they allow you up to 14 days to make a move. Right now I have 8 games on the go with different friends.
Amber was on good form today she spent time in the garden but got on with her School Work without us having to chase her. She was mainly working on English today, Amber is very independent & does her School Work on her own then comes to show us what she did.
After lunch I got out my petrol lawnmower and did the grass, I find mowing the lawn quite therapeutic. Later on I got a bit restless and did a good old clean up in the kitchen, ended up spring cleaning the cupboards and units. Nice…
I made a great dinner for the girls, Amber’s favourite, chicken cooked in garlic & herbs along with nice fluffy rice.
I also spoke to a few of my old friends and work mates, quite a few were struggling with the lockdown and getting really bored & restless. I feel the complete opposite, I just think how lucky I am to have a 3 month paid holiday at home with my wife and daughter……
Day 20
I got up around 8’ish and had light breakfast with Michelle with a nice mug of Yorkshire Tea. After getting Michelle ready for her day I went out in to the garden to capture some sun. Michelle was in her element in the garden, seemed like she spent hours on phone to her mates.
I did Michelle’s physio in the garden today, usually I try to do 10 – 15 mins of muscle stretches if she can take it. Some days it is too painful for her and we have to stop after 5 mins. Before the Coronavirus she had her carers that came in to do these sorts of things for her, but we don’t want to take that risk. She is in such a high risk group, I prefer to do it with her.
I used some quiet time on my iPad to catch up with the chess games I have on the go at Chess is a great escape for me, I’ve been using for about 8 yrs. I can jump in and out whenever I have the time, they allow you up to 14 days to make a move. Right now I have 8 games on the go with different friends.
Amber was on good form today she spent time in the garden but got on with her School Work without us having to chase her. She was mainly working on English today, Amber is very independent & does her School Work on her own then comes to show us what she did.
After lunch I got out my petrol lawnmower and did the grass, I find mowing the lawn quite therapeutic. Later on I got a bit restless and did a good old clean up in the kitchen, ended up spring cleaning the cupboards and units. Nice…
I made a great dinner for the girls, Amber’s favourite, chicken cooked in garlic & herbs along with nice fluffy rice.
I also spoke to a few of my old friends and work mates, quite a few were struggling with the lockdown and getting really bored & restless. I feel the complete opposite, I just think how lucky I am to have a 3 month paid holiday at home with my wife and daughter……
Day 20
So today was a full day, we all got up at 7am so that I could get Michelle ready to take her to a hospital appointment. Even though the appointment had been planned for a long time Michelle and I were both worried about contact with other people. We both had our masks on to try and reduce the risks as much as possible.
I guess if I am honest that I was a bit more apprehensive about it all than Michelle was, even though this was Michelle’s first time out of the house since before Christmas. We took the scenic route on the way to hospital so Michelle could get her first look of what it is like out there under lockdown.
When I pulled up at the hospital I saw 2 ambulances parked next to the disabled parking spaces. I was a bit scared to see the ambulances so I decided to call the Doctor and let her know we had arrived. She came outside to meet us and take Michelle straight in to the treatment room.
I waited outside and let them get on with things, when Michelle was brought back out she was telling me about how the 2 nurses topped up her “Pump“ wearing their masks, gowns & gloves etc. It was very reassuring that at least at this hospital they all had full PPE.
We drove back a different route along Sheen High Street so that Michelle could see the people were queuing outside shops. Michelle even commented that some of them were not keeping their 2 meter social distancing!
Amber had stayed at home so that she could receive our first supermarket food delivery since lockdown. We had actually waited for 4 weeks to get the delivery slot which was limited to just 80 items. We are still waiting to get put on the special “high risk” category for delivery so we have to compete with everyone else to get a delivery slot.
When we got home Amber had put the freezer stuff away so I cleaned off all the other items and put them away in the cupboards. We all then went outside to have some nice sandwiches in the garden for lunch. The sun was out we all just chilled in the garden for the rest of the afternoon.
Amber was having a lot of fun doing “Tik Tok” videos. Meanwhile Michelle and I used the time to do some stretches & physio exercises.
Day 19
So we all woke up & got out of bed early today. Michelle had a good old catch up with her friend this morning to find out how her daughter was getting on. She said that she is doing really well now and has started getting help from an online Councillor which ids really making a huge difference for her. Which was really great news for Michelle to hear.
I spent most of the day in the garden just lazing around, I am so grateful that we have the garden. We played a few garden games and enjoyed listening to some music. Then in the evening we had a great barbecue, which was really nice and made a change to slaving away in the kitchen for dinner. After the barbecue I put Michelle to bed. Then we all went our separate ways!!
Day 18
Today was an OK kind of day for me, I got up early. Unfortunately Michelle was feeling really bad leg pain, which made her very uncomfortable. So we worked together to do plenty of leg stretches which partially managed to ease the pain off a bit for her.
When Michelle was comfortable, we got Amber up and the 3 of us spent most of the day laying in the back garden enjoying the sun. We all listened to music and managed to relax & chill out.
Despite the painful start for Michelle, this has been our best day so far in lock down. To top it all off we had another food parcel left on out porch, which was really nice. I am not sure who all of these people that are leaving us food parcels but we are so grateful for your kindness.
I spent some of the day making phone calls to friends and family and had a good old catch up with people. Michelle was exhausted by everything, so she went to bed early. She often gets bad aches from being in her wheelchair all day, so the physio to stretch and get the blood flowing is really important for her. After Michelle had gone to bed, I ended the day watching Netflix with Amber on the sofa..
Day 17
Today we spoke to Michelle's friend and her daughter, thankfully she's doing OK now. Her mother told us they both had a good night's sleep last night, which was good to hear.
Then we had a FaceTime call with Michelle's brother, who lives in Spain, along with our niece and nephew. They are only young kids and they were both crying as they were telling us how much they hate not being allowed to go outside. We try to FaceTime them at least twice a week. Just to let them know that they are not alone and we love them. It's hard because we know how hard Spain has been hit by the virus.
I spent a good part of the day sorting out a load of paper work for my accountant. So much paperwork and red-tape to get things moving in the right direction. Finally we had a bag food left on our porch for us today as from one of our neighbours which was lovely. There are some really nice people out there that do little things to help….
Then we had a FaceTime call with Michelle's brother, who lives in Spain, along with our niece and nephew. They are only young kids and they were both crying as they were telling us how much they hate not being allowed to go outside. We try to FaceTime them at least twice a week. Just to let them know that they are not alone and we love them. It's hard because we know how hard Spain has been hit by the virus.
I spent a good part of the day sorting out a load of paper work for my accountant. So much paperwork and red-tape to get things moving in the right direction. Finally we had a bag food left on our porch for us today as from one of our neighbours which was lovely. There are some really nice people out there that do little things to help….
Day 16
So today I had a good start to my day, but it turned out to be a day wirth both ups and downs. After I got up I tried to get Amber out of bed and to do some exercise, but sadly her heart wasn't in it. She's really missing her friends now after all this time in lockdown.
But we did have some upsetting news today, the daughter of Michelle's best friend tried to take her own life. This left Michelle feeling very sad because she couldn't be there for her friend at such a difficult time to support her. The good news is that her friend’s daughter is fine and she's being monitored closely.
On a lighter note I spoke with my accountant today and he informed me how much I should be getting by way of financial support from the government. He will also be preparing my tax return ASAP which is such a big relief for me. The bad news is that the payment from the government won't be until the end of June.
Day 15
So today Michelle would like to tell you a few things about her day.
I had a good day today, I made a number of phone calls and reached out to people. I especially enjoyed the call to my friend’s parents, Pat and Keith.
Like me, Keith, is also in the high risk category. So we ended up chatting for an hour, which really cheered Keith & Pat up. Talking to Keith made me feel good as well, it sometimes really helps to be able to talk to someone else in a similar position.
I also received a phone call from Roger’s mum. Her neighbour had a food parcel delivered that she didn't want and asked if we would like it. Later in the day the food parcel was left on our porch shelf. This was such a nice gesture and really appreciated, it cheered me up for a second time in one day!
Multiple miracles can happen in one day, for the first time since our lock down Amber got on with her homework without being prompted. So proud of Amber, another achievement which made me smile yet again. In light of all this, today has been my best day of lockdown so far.
Day 14
Today has been a beautiful, day Michelle and Amber have been lazing around in the garden for most of it .Using the opportunity to top their tans up.
I am finding it really hard to sit around all day doing nothing. I've gone from getting up early each day to go to work, to not working at all. So now I find myself looking for stuff to do just to fill my days and to keep myself busy.
Michelle's keeps on telling me to sit down all the time and take the opportunity to relax. Lol!! Amber's is really starting to miss her friends’ a lot, the last few days it has really hit homer to her. Amber keeps asking how much longer she has to stay inside on lockdown for. I told her that it will be for another 2 months! She just held her head in her hands….. Bless her.
I’ve Never experienced anything like this in my life time and I hope I don’t have to again scary stuff..
Day 13
I am finding it really hard to sit around all day doing nothing. I've gone from getting up early each day to go to work, to not working at all. So now I find myself looking for stuff to do just to fill my days and to keep myself busy.
Michelle's keeps on telling me to sit down all the time and take the opportunity to relax. Lol!! Amber's is really starting to miss her friends’ a lot, the last few days it has really hit homer to her. Amber keeps asking how much longer she has to stay inside on lockdown for. I told her that it will be for another 2 months! She just held her head in her hands….. Bless her.
I’ve Never experienced anything like this in my life time and I hope I don’t have to again scary stuff..
Day 13
Today was a much better day for all of us Michelle was much happier, the sun was out so we set up in the garden for the day. I even got the lawnmower out gave the grass a cut!
Michelle was out there trying to catch as much sun as she can lol!! We had a tough time trying to get Amber out of her room and off her phone. I should imagine most parents are having the same problem with their teenage kids.
Michelle & I were joking around about having to post some letters. We recently received the letter from the government stating that Michelle was in the high risk category. So I'm saying I should drive to the post box because it’s safer. The post box is about 4 houses down from us lol! The panic of bumping in to someone, crazy stuff I know but it goes through your head in this situation.
Still the government said we should self-isolate for 12 weeks and if we live in the same house not to be In the same room at the same time. That's madness how can we all be in the same house for 12 weeks and avoid each other. A certain part of me thinks “Suits me though lol!!!”
Michelle was out there trying to catch as much sun as she can lol!! We had a tough time trying to get Amber out of her room and off her phone. I should imagine most parents are having the same problem with their teenage kids.
Michelle & I were joking around about having to post some letters. We recently received the letter from the government stating that Michelle was in the high risk category. So I'm saying I should drive to the post box because it’s safer. The post box is about 4 houses down from us lol! The panic of bumping in to someone, crazy stuff I know but it goes through your head in this situation.
Still the government said we should self-isolate for 12 weeks and if we live in the same house not to be In the same room at the same time. That's madness how can we all be in the same house for 12 weeks and avoid each other. A certain part of me thinks “Suits me though lol!!!”
Day 12
Today was one of those days, unfortunately Michelle was having a bit of bad one today. Some days her MS can really hit home hard. On days like today her emotions can really start to get on top of her and leave her with bouts of depression. Mostly she copes amazingly well with everything, but every now and then it hits her - really hard.
Naturally we all get a bit down as a family because we all care so much. Me and Amber try to show Michelle as much love as we can on these down days. We do our best to try and lift her back up as much as possible. It just breaks my heart to see someone I love so much in so much pain mentally.
Depression makes it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel for her situation, so all in all it’s been a teary day for all of us. I suggested a game of Scrabble, Michelle always wins when we play plus I thought it would take her mind of things a little bit and cheer her up. We all had a few good laughs. As usual a few rude words came up- lol!! Some days are just tougher than others today's been one of those days. But these too shall pass.
Naturally we all get a bit down as a family because we all care so much. Me and Amber try to show Michelle as much love as we can on these down days. We do our best to try and lift her back up as much as possible. It just breaks my heart to see someone I love so much in so much pain mentally.
Depression makes it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel for her situation, so all in all it’s been a teary day for all of us. I suggested a game of Scrabble, Michelle always wins when we play plus I thought it would take her mind of things a little bit and cheer her up. We all had a few good laughs. As usual a few rude words came up- lol!! Some days are just tougher than others today's been one of those days. But these too shall pass.
Day 11
Today was another one of my busy days.
The cat woke me up nice and early. So I decided to get myself and Michelle up. Then I went to make a bit of breakfast for the two of us. I got on with doing some of the house work hoovering the carpets, Nice clean in the bathroom, I even got into a bit of jet washing the patio.
By this time Amber was up and about, so the two of us did some exercises together. I think Amber’s enthusiasm is dwindling a little bit and she is getting a bit stir crazy with the lockdown.
After the exercises with Amber I got stuck into make some lunch for all of us, I do like having this time at some so I can get stuck into cooking. After lunch I spent half an hour teaching Amber a few more chess moves. She's starting to understand how to play the game, which is pretty impressive as she hasn’t been learning for long. Being honest I think I'm keener than she is about the whole chess thing.
Michelle had a lie down late afternoon. This gave me a little time to myself and an opportunity to sort the dinner out. This evening I'll be having an easy one on my sofa maybe watch a movie with Amber.
God bless...
The cat woke me up nice and early. So I decided to get myself and Michelle up. Then I went to make a bit of breakfast for the two of us. I got on with doing some of the house work hoovering the carpets, Nice clean in the bathroom, I even got into a bit of jet washing the patio.
By this time Amber was up and about, so the two of us did some exercises together. I think Amber’s enthusiasm is dwindling a little bit and she is getting a bit stir crazy with the lockdown.
After the exercises with Amber I got stuck into make some lunch for all of us, I do like having this time at some so I can get stuck into cooking. After lunch I spent half an hour teaching Amber a few more chess moves. She's starting to understand how to play the game, which is pretty impressive as she hasn’t been learning for long. Being honest I think I'm keener than she is about the whole chess thing.
Michelle had a lie down late afternoon. This gave me a little time to myself and an opportunity to sort the dinner out. This evening I'll be having an easy one on my sofa maybe watch a movie with Amber.
God bless...
Day 10
Today was a productive day, I managed to get hold of a few of my creditors on the phone. I even managed to get a few payments put on hold for 3 months. That certainly relieves the pressure a little.
We are all a bit gutted though today, we've been making payments for a holiday to America for quite a while now. None of us have been on holiday for 6 years, due to Michelle being so unwell. She’s been in and out of hospital so much during that time it just wasn't possible to go away.
As Michelle was well enough to travel I made the decision to book a trip to take the girls to Florida, done all our savings on it and a bit more too! Talk about bad timing. We should be going in July but if I'm being realistic, it's just not going to happen now. Not with me being out of work for the next 3 months prior to going.
We're praying that come July it will be cancelled by the travel company and we can get our money back. I suppose with what's going on right now I should just be grateful for that fact we are all healthy and safe. That's what's important right now. God bless you all…..
Day 8
It was nice to get that extra bit of day light this evening with the clocks going forward. I would like to think it is going to be a nice summer. But with everything that is going on right now, I think it's going to be quite a while before life gets anywhere near back to normal.
I am going out to see my dad and younger brother tomorrow. My younger brother has Cerebral Palsy and they both need to rely on others for support and help. I am going to take some of our left over casserole for my dad.
I’ll spend a few hours over there helping them both out it is as much about providing them with company as it is about anything else. They also have their careers come in regularly to look after them. But my dad is a stubborn old git who won't let them do certain stuff for him. So that's where I come in. Ironic really looking back on times when I was a kid, but he did look after me for the first 18 years of my life...
All those people that are dying alone without their family around them and we still haven't even seen the peak of this virus yet.
I had a call from a friend of mine today telling me that he is showing the dreaded symptoms.
I also spoke to a doctor friend of mine this morning, she told me that NHS staff don't have the proper ppe. So they are starting to come down with the virus as well. I've heard this on the news as well, but its different hearing it from someone you know who is out there on the front lines.
I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. There are freighting times ahead for all of us.
I spent some time today teaching Amber how to play chess, which I think she quiet enjoyed.
Today I did a much needed session of physio with Michelle, she needs this most days to make sure her muscles don't seize up. Ended the day peacefully watching a bit of TV with the girls.
Amber was great and did all of her homework today. The school have now helpfully started to put all of the homework up on their web site.
Meanwhile Michelle and I have had a lazy day just sitting in the garden, nothing to strenuous it was just really nice to sit outside and enjoy the weather.
I think today was supposed to be the last day of the lovely weather that we've been having recently, so we have all been in the garden making the most of it. I spent some time today doing exercises, I need to make sure that my muscles don't seize up for when I finally get back to work on the sites.
Finally I cooked us all a lovely dinner this evening. It’s so nice at the moment to have the time to be able to cook, it’s something that I enjoy doing. I know the girls like it when spend time in the kitchen with my apron on. Not sure who’s on washing up though…..
They tell me its movie night tonight, not that I'll have a choice in what we watch lol!...
So today I've been trying to get through to different creditors with no luck whatsoever. I gave up in the end. But right now I think we have enough money to last us about a month.
We did have some savings, but Michelle has been so ill over the last few years it's been difficult to keep enough money for something like this Coronavirus.
We are all a bit gutted though today, we've been making payments for a holiday to America for quite a while now. None of us have been on holiday for 6 years, due to Michelle being so unwell. She’s been in and out of hospital so much during that time it just wasn't possible to go away.
As Michelle was well enough to travel I made the decision to book a trip to take the girls to Florida, done all our savings on it and a bit more too! Talk about bad timing. We should be going in July but if I'm being realistic, it's just not going to happen now. Not with me being out of work for the next 3 months prior to going.
We're praying that come July it will be cancelled by the travel company and we can get our money back. I suppose with what's going on right now I should just be grateful for that fact we are all healthy and safe. That's what's important right now. God bless you all…..
Day 9
So today's been a busy day. I got up made breakfast for Michelle & I, then did a quick tidy up around the house. Then just as I am about to leave to go to my dad’s, Amber wakes up and wants her breakfast as well….done that...
Then I shot over to see my dad and brother. I managed to spend a few hours over there sorting out a few things for them that need to be done. It was lovely to see both of them and spend time with them during the week. Also it was nice to get out of the house as well to be honest.
I got home at about 4pm just in time to put Michelle to bed for a couple of hours. Then went to the kitchen and started to prepare a bit of dinner for us all. We all sat down to eat a family diner, albeit a late dinner today.
After diner I tidied up everything with some help from Amber. She's a good girl and doesn't mind helping her dad out from time to time. Finally I sat down for an hour. Got Michelle sorted and comfortable.
Let’s see what tomorrow brings....
Then I shot over to see my dad and brother. I managed to spend a few hours over there sorting out a few things for them that need to be done. It was lovely to see both of them and spend time with them during the week. Also it was nice to get out of the house as well to be honest.
I got home at about 4pm just in time to put Michelle to bed for a couple of hours. Then went to the kitchen and started to prepare a bit of dinner for us all. We all sat down to eat a family diner, albeit a late dinner today.
After diner I tidied up everything with some help from Amber. She's a good girl and doesn't mind helping her dad out from time to time. Finally I sat down for an hour. Got Michelle sorted and comfortable.
Let’s see what tomorrow brings....
Day 8
Today has been a busy day. I had thought that if I wasn't working I would be able to take things a bit easier. That really isn't the case. Michelle would normally have careers come in twice a day to look after her. But because I'm off we cancelled them. So it's really busy most days for me looking after my 2 girls….
It was nice to get that extra bit of day light this evening with the clocks going forward. I would like to think it is going to be a nice summer. But with everything that is going on right now, I think it's going to be quite a while before life gets anywhere near back to normal.
I am going out to see my dad and younger brother tomorrow. My younger brother has Cerebral Palsy and they both need to rely on others for support and help. I am going to take some of our left over casserole for my dad.
I’ll spend a few hours over there helping them both out it is as much about providing them with company as it is about anything else. They also have their careers come in regularly to look after them. But my dad is a stubborn old git who won't let them do certain stuff for him. So that's where I come in. Ironic really looking back on times when I was a kid, but he did look after me for the first 18 years of my life...
Day 7
So today has been an easy day. I put a casserole in the slow cooker. I then did a bit of the house work. I actually decided to watch a fair bit of the news on the TV today, it’s absolutely awful what's happening to people and their families.
All those people that are dying alone without their family around them and we still haven't even seen the peak of this virus yet.
I had a call from a friend of mine today telling me that he is showing the dreaded symptoms.
I also spoke to a doctor friend of mine this morning, she told me that NHS staff don't have the proper ppe. So they are starting to come down with the virus as well. I've heard this on the news as well, but its different hearing it from someone you know who is out there on the front lines.
I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. There are freighting times ahead for all of us.
I spent some time today teaching Amber how to play chess, which I think she quiet enjoyed.
Today I did a much needed session of physio with Michelle, she needs this most days to make sure her muscles don't seize up. Ended the day peacefully watching a bit of TV with the girls.
Day 6
Today was a lot more relaxed, I didn’t make any phone calls!
Amber was great and did all of her homework today. The school have now helpfully started to put all of the homework up on their web site.
Meanwhile Michelle and I have had a lazy day just sitting in the garden, nothing to strenuous it was just really nice to sit outside and enjoy the weather.
I think today was supposed to be the last day of the lovely weather that we've been having recently, so we have all been in the garden making the most of it. I spent some time today doing exercises, I need to make sure that my muscles don't seize up for when I finally get back to work on the sites.
Finally I cooked us all a lovely dinner this evening. It’s so nice at the moment to have the time to be able to cook, it’s something that I enjoy doing. I know the girls like it when spend time in the kitchen with my apron on. Not sure who’s on washing up though…..
They tell me its movie night tonight, not that I'll have a choice in what we watch lol!...
Day 5:
So today there was some good news for the many self-employed in this country. 80% of your earnings. Although I think this will take a while to receive Good news all the same.
Been enjoying the fine weather today. Set up some exercise routines for Amber and myself to do in the garden. Left to her own devices she would be on her phono all day. Which I think she enjoyed doing. I know I did. Michelle giving instructions on the best way to do each exercise.
Been enjoying the fine weather today. Set up some exercise routines for Amber and myself to do in the garden. Left to her own devices she would be on her phono all day. Which I think she enjoyed doing. I know I did. Michelle giving instructions on the best way to do each exercise.
I went out on to the street this evening at 8 o'clock to show my gratitude to all our hard working NHS staff.
It was nice to see everyone outside their houses showing their support. Obviously all 2 metres apart.
Really hope as a nation and through everyone doing there bit we can get control of this terrible virus which is showing no mercy to the young or old. Still no joy getting through to any creditors today. Phonelines were jammed up all day..
Day 4What I am thinking today
So today I've been trying to get through to different creditors with no luck whatsoever. I gave up in the end. But right now I think we have enough money to last us about a month.
We did have some savings, but Michelle has been so ill over the last few years it's been difficult to keep enough money for something like this Coronavirus.
We haven't been able to go on holiday for some time. So this year, as things had improved slightly because of the different operations Micelle's had, we decided to take the decision to book a holiday to Florida. We used up the last of our savings to book the trip to Florida.
Ironic really, because even if we could still go which would be in July, what with being off work for so long I won't be able to afford to go anyway. So I'm hoping that all flights to America in July are cancelled. At least we might then get our money back that way. Other than getting our money back for the holiday I really don't know......
Anyway I think the government are making an announcement tomorrow on what help the self-employed are entitled so fingers crossed.
Meanwhile I have also been in contact with my other creditors today to see if I'm able to have a payment holliday with a few direct debits and utility bills.
Day 2
What I am thinking today
Day 1
Day 3
What I am thinking today
So yesterday I thought that I couldn't get over to see my dad. But I did actually manage to go and see him today, the new government guidelines state that if you are caring for a relative then you are able to travel to them to provide that care. Which is good news.
I am still waiting to hear if my mortgage break will be approved by the bank.
Meanwhile I have also been in contact with my other creditors today to see if I'm able to have a payment holliday with a few direct debits and utility bills.
Michelle and I did actually manage to get Amber to sit down and do some of her school homework today. The homework and home schooling routine will be an everyday thing for now whilst Amber's off school.
Day 2
What I am thinking today
Today has been kind of hard as I would normally go to see my dad who is 74. He also needs care which I provide for him. So not being able to this I know will cause him some discomfort.
Also applied for a mortgage break for the next 3 months. As I'm not going to be able to afford to pay my mortgage while I'm off work. As it stands I still feel I'm doing the right thing not going out.
Some of the images I’m seeing on the TV I can't help thinking that we're in big trouble. Just my opinion. I hope I'm wrong and that it isn't going to be that bad....
Also applied for a mortgage break for the next 3 months. As I'm not going to be able to afford to pay my mortgage while I'm off work. As it stands I still feel I'm doing the right thing not going out.
Some of the images I’m seeing on the TV I can't help thinking that we're in big trouble. Just my opinion. I hope I'm wrong and that it isn't going to be that bad....
Day 1
What I am thinking today
Good morning. Today is my first day of doing diaries for AMO, but the 5th day that me and my family have been in isolation.
My wife has MS - multiple sclerosis. So there is NO question of us not self-isolating.
I'm self-employed so that means there are no wages coming in.
My only concern right now is to keep my wife and family safe and out of harm’s way.
We have some friends that are dropping food parcels round and leaving them on the doorstep for us. But we’re not sure if this will continue.
I will be looking on the Government website to see what we are entitled to later this week.
We have heard of some friends close by that do have the virus. So when going out I am wearing a mask. Which feels kind of strange, but is the safest option right now...
My wife has MS - multiple sclerosis. So there is NO question of us not self-isolating.
I'm self-employed so that means there are no wages coming in.
My only concern right now is to keep my wife and family safe and out of harm’s way.
We have some friends that are dropping food parcels round and leaving them on the doorstep for us. But we’re not sure if this will continue.
I will be looking on the Government website to see what we are entitled to later this week.
We have heard of some friends close by that do have the virus. So when going out I am wearing a mask. Which feels kind of strange, but is the safest option right now...
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